URL input for Sanity that retrieves metadata (title, description) along with OpenGraph information.
Note: The resolving is done by an addon to the Sanity API and usage will at some point be an opt-in addon that is billed.
sanity install url-metadata-input
Use it in your schema types:
// [...]
fields: [
// [...]
name: 'relatedUrl',
title: 'Related URL',
type: 'urlWithMetadata',
If you want the metadata below the URL field to be collapsed, set the collapsed
option like so:
name: 'relatedUrl',
title: 'Related URL',
type: 'urlWithMetadata',
options: {
collapsed: true,
Note: Empty keys are not included
_type: 'urlWithMetadata',
// Raw user-input URL
url: 'http://sanity.io',
// Resolved URL after redirects
resolvedUrl: 'https://sanity.io/',
// Date when the metada resolving was performed
crawledAt: '2017-09-01T09:48:35.501Z',
// Basic metadata (from <head> of the page)
meta: {
title: 'Sanity – The fully customizable, headless CMS',
description: 'Manage structured data collaboratively [...]'
// OpenGraph data (camelcased keys, eg `og:video:width` == `videoWidth`)
// See http://ogp.me/ for more information
openGraph: {
title: '...',
description: '...',
siteName: '...',
type: '...',
url: '...',
image: '...',
imageAlt: '...',
imageSecureUrl: '...',
imageType: '...',
imageHeight: '...',
imageWidth: '...',
audio: '...',
audioSecureUrl: '...',
audioType: '...',
determiner: '...',
locale: '...',
video: '...',
videoSecureUrl: '...',
videoType: '...',
videoHeight: '...',
videoWidth: '...',
MIT-licensed. See LICENSE.