The PPI public website contacts page contains a list of all our offices with addresses, key contacts and geo location info.
It doesn’t yet have a much requested ‘search’ feature.
The contact info is stored in an Azure table on the production web site, delivered by the contacts rest api.
A sample of the English contacts data is provided in the json file included in this project. Use the API, however, and not this sample data when building your solution.
For the purposes of this test please create a REST API that provides a simple search capability and returns either an office or a contact (person)
For example, if the request is, the api should return the contact object for him:
“name”: “Sean Carey”,
“title”: “Vice-President, Sales - British Columbia”,
“phone”: “778-374-3501”,
“email”: “ [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) “
For an office query,, return the entire json object for ‘Vancouver’.
Build the simplest possible solution or MVP (minimal viable product). It doesn't need any error handling, caching or other clever features. Retrieve the latest contacts data from the contacts API before performing each search.
Use any open source technology and libraries you deem appropriate e.g. Node/Express, .Net Core MVC, Python/Flask, etc
Do not spend more than a couple of hours on this task, it should be an MVP and nothing more.
Clone the provided repo, and send a link to a publicly available version of it when you have completed the project. Provide basic instructions on how to run the completed project on a local development machine.