Some handy scripts to work with antiSMASH and BiG-SCAPE results.
Script to format .gbk file headers to use them as input in antiSMASH:
Utility: Output files from Prokka annotation can have some incompatibilities with the required antiSMASH input. -
Script adds a prefix (subdirectory name) to all .gbk files inside the subdirectories.
Utility: Usefull to format antiSMASH v5.0 results for other analysis so they are trackable. -
Script to summarize results from antiSMASH v5.0 into a csv file per genome and summary table with BGC type counts per genome:
Script to clean .fasta files that have unwanted lines starting with '-':
Utility: While running BiG-SCAPE, the workflow may stop due to lines starting with '-' in some .fasta files.