Cambio converts spectrum files from nearly all common handheld and lab-based spectroscopic gamma radiation detectors, radiation portal monitors, or search systems to a format of your choice (N42, PCF, CSV, TXT, CHN, SPC, HTML, and more).
Cambio can be built either as a GUI that allows previewing the spectrum files, editing the meta-data, and interactively choosing the output format options, or Cambio can be built as a command line only utility. The command line utility is useful for calling from batch scripts, or calling from other programs to take care of reading the hundreds of potential formats, making it so your program only needs to read in a single format.
To get a pre-compiled executable, head over to the releases tab, or to download historical version of the app see:
To compile, you need a c++14 compiler, and:
- boost versions 1.44 through 1.65.1 will probably work, but development is done using 1.65.1.
- To compile the GUI, you will need Qt.
Qt is not needed for the command line only version. Development is done using Qt 5.11 and 5.12. - cmake
- SpecUtils
On Linux and macOS:
git clone
cd cambio
git clone
#build GUI version
mkdir build_gui
cd build_gui
cmake -DBUILD_CAMBIO_GUI=ON -DMyQT_DIR=/path/to/qt -DBOOST_ROOT=/path/to/boost ..
make -j8
#build command line only version
cd ..
mkdir build_cl
cd build_cl
make -j8
And on Windows an analogous process can be used to generate Visual Studio project with the CMake GUI. Currently CMakeLists.txt is hardcoded to link to the static runtime on Windows, and statically compiled Qt.
No installation is necessary - simple download or build the executable and run it.
William Johnson
This project is licensed under the LGPL v2.1 License - see the LICENSE file for details
Copyright 2018 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
Cambio does not collect any user information or statistics, and it does not send or receive any information over the network (e.g., nothing is downloaded to, or leaves from your computer).
SCR #988