This is an automation test suite with an inbuilt test orchestrator. It runs as a docker container and the test results are uploaded in the CI pipeline along with other artifacts ( input/output files from all the hosts)
There are 4 tests ( 1 suite level pre-requisite and 3 test cases ):
Pre-requisite: Verify whether all the files are present in the container before starting the tests
Test Case 1:
Check the total file count (Target_1 + Target_2) is 1M
Test Case 2:
Check the Splitter functionality
Test Case 3:
Verify data Input/Output
Pre-Req: Created the following docker images and published to dockerhub
- sandeep173254/assignment:test_nodeapp_target
- sandeep173254/assignment:test_nodeapp_splitter
- sandeep173254/assignment:test_nodeapp_agent
- sandeep173254/assignment:automatedtests1
The test orchestrator (shell script will take care of all the deployment setup / teardown for the tests. These are the steps performed in the test orchestrator:
- Deploy Targets
- Deploy Splitter
- Deploy Agent
- Deploy AutomatedTests
- Sorting input file
- Copying input file into AutomatedTests container
- Merging and Sorting the output files
- Copying output file into AutomatedTests container
- Start the Tests
- Download the test results artifacts
- Stop and Remove Targets
- Stop and Remove Splitter
- Stop and Remove Agent
- Stop and Remove AutomatedTests
Instructions for test execution outside of the CI environment
Running the test automation suite is just as simple as calling a shell script. Here are the steps:
- Clone the project and cd into Project_directory (cribl-assignment-test)
- sh ( Run the shell script )
- Navigate to test-output folder for the test-results and artifacts
You can also run it from Github CI -> Actions