This repository contains all my machine learning and deep learning codes for various datasets written in scikit learn for maching learning and keras & Pytorch for deep learning.
- Double-jointed arm - Continous state DDPG agent
- Robot Navigation in Virtual Env - Deep Q Learning based robot navigation
- Two Player Robot Playing Tennis - Multi-agent example using MADDPG
- Sentiment analysis model - End-to-End modeel deployment in AWS SageMaker
- Udacity Face image generator -F ace image generation using DCGAN
- Udacity TV Script generator - TV Script generation using LSTM
- CUDA Accelerated Navie Bayes- CUDA and OpenMP Accelerated Implementation of Naive Bayes and it’s variants
- Remastering Starcraft Video- Inspried from Pix2Pix RESGAN a GAN based model
- Autonomous Drone Maintenance and Surveillance- Real-time video surveillance and machinery maintenance
- Fairness in SVM- Analysis of model fariness in SVM model
- Statement of Purpose generation using LSTM - Text generator using LSTM
- Boltzmann-machine-for-movie-recommender-System - Movie recommendation using RBM
- Movie rating ( Boltzmann_Machines) - Both Autoencoder and Boltzmann machine
- Malaria Detection - Transfer learning Pytorch
- Style Transfer - Pytorch code for style transfer
- GAN for generating number - Digit Generation
- Facial Recognition - Custome face recognition using Deep Learning and OpenCV
- Salary prediction - Regression
- Social Network Ads prediciton - Classification
- 50_startup_profit - Mutiple linear regression
- Bank Churn Modelling - Bank customer churn classification
- Handwritten Mnist - Pytorch based CNN image classifier
- Dogs vs Cat - CNN
- CIFAR-100 - Pytorch based CNN code
- Google Stock Price - Single Layer LSTM based model
- Credit Card Application - Customer class categorization using Self organzing map