Cascabel ( is a variable pipeline for amplicon sequence data analysis.
It makes an interesting use case for workflow work with and APE, as it already foresees several variants of the main workflow, and potentially more can be found when taking to account the full content of
Takes raw data as input and delivers a table of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) or Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) in BIOM and text format and representative sequences.
- For inputs and outputs:
comma separated formats
. - n : Could not be found in, based on context from Cascabel or other source.
Tool | in | ID | Inputs | Outputs |
Minimum entropy Decomposition (MED) | No | - | - | - |
Swarm | Yes | biotools:swarm | Nucleic acid sequence (FASTA-like) | Sequence cluster (Textual format) |
DADA2 | Yes | biotools:dada2 | Demultiplexed FASTQ files9 | Sequence variants9 |
deblur | No | - | - | - |
QIIME | Yes | biotools:qiime | Raw sequence6 | - |
QIIME 2.0 | Yes | biotools:qiime2 | Raw sequence6 | - |
mothur | No | - | Sequence13 (FASTA)13 | Taxonomy summary12 (Sequence feature annotation format)13 |
VSEARCH | Yes | biotools:vsearch | Nucleic acid sequence (FASTQ16) | Sequence similarity score, sequence alignment |
FastQC | Yes | biotools:fastqc | Raw sequence (FASTQ-like format (text), SAM, FASTQ, BAM) | Sequence report (HTML) |
PEAR | Yes | biotools:pear | - | Sequence assembly5 |
Cutadapt | Yes | biotools:cutadapt | RNA sequence (FASTQ, FASTA) | RNA sequence (FASTQ, FASTA) |
Cutadapt 1.12 | Yes | biotools:cutadapt_1.12 | RNA sequence (FASTQ, FASTA)4 | RNA sequence (FASTQ, FASTA)4 |
SortMeRna | Yes | biotools:sortmerna | (FASTA, FASTQ), RNA database14 | - |
trie | No | - | - | - |
UCLUST | No | - | Sequence (FASTA, FASTQ)2 | - |
UCLUST_REF | No | - | - | - |
USEARCH | Yes | biotools:usearch | Sequence (FASTA, FASTQ)1 | Sequence (FASTA, FASTQ)1 |
USEARCH_REF | No | - | - | - |
CD-HIT | Yes | biotools:cd-hit | Sequence alignment (FASTA) | Data (Textual format), Data (Textual format), Sequence alignment (FASTA) |
SUMACLUST | No | - | Sequence3 | - |
BLAST | No | - | Sequence15 (FASTA)17 | Statistical estimate score15 (HTML, XML, JSON, Textual format)17 |
BLAST+ | No | - | Sequence15 (FASTA)17 | Statistical estimate score15 (HTML, XML, JSON, Textual format)17 |
pynast | No | - | - | - |
MAFFT | Yes | biotools:MAFFT | Sequence (FASTA) | Sequence alignment (FASTA) |
Infernal | Yes | biotools:infernal | Sequence profile (Sequence profile format) | Database search results |
ClustalW (BioLib) | Yes | biotools:clustalw_biolib | Sequence (FASTA) | Sequence alignment (ClustalW format, FASTA, nexus-seqm, PHYLIP format) |
ClustalW (PBIL) | Yes | biotools:clustalw_pbil | Sequence (FASTA) | Sequence alignment (FASTA) |
ClustalW (SIB) | No | - | Sequence (FASTA) | Sequence alignment (FASTA) |
RAxML | Yes | biotools:raxml | Phylogenetic tree8 | - |
FastTree | Yes | biotools:fasttree | - | Phylogenetic tree7 |
Krona | Yes | biotools:krona | (XML, Textual format)11 | (HTML)10 |
SILVAngs | Yes | biotools:silvangs | Nucleic acid sequence (FASTA) | Nucleic acid sequence (FASTA), Matrix (TSV), Plot, Report (PDF), Sequence cluster nucleic acid (FASTA), Nucleic acid sequence (Binary format) |
MG-RAST | Yes | biotools:mg-rast | - | - |
NGTax2 | No | - | - | - |
SLIM | Yes | biotools:SLIM | - | - |
- Sumaclust Wiki
- Does not have inputs and outputs in Is based on other Cutadapt. Note: according to, Cutadapt is a "Sequence trimming" operation while Cutadapt 1.12 "Data handling". "Sequence trimming" being more specific.
- Based on PEAR documentation.
- Based on QIIME's description on
- Based on FastTree's description on
- Based on FastTree manual.
- Based on DADA2's description on
- Based on Krona's description on
- Based on Krona's wiki on GitHub.
- Based on mothur_krona's description on
- As described by mothur's manual.
- As described by SortMeRna's website.
- As described by BLAST's website.
- Supports at least FASTQ format according to VSEARCH's
- As described by BLAST's API documentation.