This is a test project to understand the working of RESTapi architecture
- Astronauts
- Planets
- Explorations
- Search bar (astronaut, planet)
- Add new details
- Astronaut (filling form)
- Planet (filling form)
- Exploration (picking form)
- Astronaut details:
- Default Image (male and female)
- Name
- Age
- Gender
- Nationality
- Role
- Planet details:
- Image for each planet
- Planet name
- Discovered date
- Galaxy
- Habitable
- HyperJump
- Planet image
- Planet name
- Galaxy name
- Name of astronauts who visited
Astronaut search:
- Image
- Name
- Age
- Gender
- Nationality
- Role
- Planets and their galaxies visited
- Image
- Name
- Galaxy
- Discovered date
- Habitable
- HyperJump
Astronaut fill details form:
- Id
- Name
- Age
- Gender
- Role
- Nationality
Planet fill details form:
- Id
- Name
- Galaxy
- Discovered date
- Habitable
- HyperJump
Exploration fill details:
- Astronaut name selector
- Planet name selector