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Analytics workaround for non production environments

Carla Galarza edited this page May 11, 2017 · 2 revisions

This has solution has been tested with Hyrax 1.0.0.rc1

Legato, the Google Analytics API gem used by Hyrax, depends on the eager loading of models extended by Legato::Model. This is a problem in development environments where models are not eagerly loaded.

If you are running into this problem, you would be seeing an error like this when you try to view a work's analytics page:

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `hyrax__pageview' for #<Legato::Management::Profile:0x007fc8ee884a78>):
    1: <!-- Adapted from jquery-flot examples -->
    2: <%= javascript_tag do %>
    3:   var hyrax_item_stats = <%= @stats.to_flot.to_json.html_safe %>;
    4: <% end %>
    6: <%= content_tag :h1, @stats, class: "lower" %>
hyrax (1.0.0.rc1) app/models/hyrax/statistic.rb:36:in `ga_statistics'
hyrax (1.0.0.rc1) app/models/hyrax/statistic.rb:51:in `combined_stats'
hyrax (1.0.0.rc1) app/models/hyrax/statistic.rb:24:in `statistics'
hyrax (1.0.0.rc1) app/presenters/hyrax/work_usage.rb:27:in `pageviews'
hyrax (1.0.0.rc1) app/presenters/hyrax/work_usage.rb:20:in `to_flot'

In order to test Hyrax's google analytics integration in development, add the following initializer to your application at config/initializers/legato.rb:

Rails.application.config.after_initialize do
  # If Google Analytics are enabled, pre-load the models which rely on
  # Legato::Model.extended(base) dynamic profile method generation. Non-production
  # environments wouldn't necessarily have this eager loaded by default.
    require 'legato'
    require 'hyrax/pageview'
    require 'hyrax/download'

This initializer is not needed in production environments.

These instructions were adapted from this ticket:

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