This api demonstrate a possible functional style Impala DB access API.
The main dependency is the proprietary Impala JDBC4 driver from Cloudera.
It is composed from the main jars and their dependencies.
The jars that are Cloudera proprietary have been added to
the ./this-project/lib
The other jars are classical dependencies in the build.sbt
of this project.
I originally needed a connection pool to run mt example and Hikari seemed to me the best as so it is used as a dependencies but it is used as a DataSource in the code so it may be changed easily.
The url in ./src/test/resources/
need adaptation to correspond to your own Impala hosts.
The single threaded example do NOT use Hikari so the url need change also
The Impala (Kudu in fact) table I needed to access were
behind Kerberos so I needed the last lines of the sbtops
to automatically run the ticket granting procedure via jaas.
If you wish to use Kerberos this way you will have to rename
to .sbtopts