This repository contains the code and resources developed along with the University of Toronto Climate Research Department. The project aimed to address climate change-related challenges using statistical downscaling techniques and quantile mapping. The team worked on the challenges faced in Toronto Heat Vulnerability.
- Mevan Solanga
- Samudra Perera
- Asli Bese
- Peter Angelinos
Estimating where to place cooling stations in Toronto based on summertime hot days(number of days where Tmax > 30 °C) in the future (2071-2100) under SSP5-8.5 using downscaled CanESM5 data
: Contains maximum temperature and vapor pressure from the Daymet dataset along with compiled data.flowcharts/
: Visual respresentation of.main-analysis/
: Includes all code files and notebooks developed, visualizations, and any other relevant results.test/
: Intial analysis trials.toronto-shape-models/
: Contains the the overlayed toronto shape
: This file.