A command-line tool to manage Github Issues.
Currently it doesn't do much (you can just list the repository issues), but the plan is to map them to some git-based local filesystem than you can then grep, modify, pull/push etc.
You will need ocaml-github, dolog and cmdliner:
opam install github dolog cmdliner
To compile the project, you can then just run:
make install
~/git/ghim$ ghim list mirage
48 issues found.
mirage/mirage #205 too little logging output when invoking `opam install`
mirage/mirage #204 clean is too aggressive
mirage/mirage #203 V2 improvements:
mirage/mirage #202 apparently odd set of dependencies triggering opam behaviour
mirage/mirage #201 Integrate @mor1 patch to fix the mode selection
mirage/mirage #200 V2: Need a write function in the console signature
mirage/mirage #199 Unify the mirage-types and mirage repositories
mirage/mirage #198 mirage-console is missing a Travis
mirage/mirage #193 Testing: packet generation using Ostinato
~/git/ghim$ ghim clone mirage
48 issues found, cloning.
$ grep network -r mirage/mirage
mirage/mirage/128/body:- [ ] unix-networking -- @avsm
mirage/mirage/186/body:# networking
mirage/mirage/186/body:* I use PF available on the host to do the network plumbing required for the
mirage/mirage/81/body:(there may be other issues but) the problems i saw were due to the openflow module's use of Net facilities which don't yet have dummies in the node version of the networking, e.g. OS.Netif, Net.Manager.interface.