ROS2 C# client library implementation. To my knowledge the most advanced ros2 C# project.
This fork started with implementation of rclcs with and integrated improvements from Since then, plenty of features and fixes have been added, including:
- Target version of ROS2 is now Dashing. This includes significant changes in message generation introduced between Crystal and Dashing
- Added support for Nested types, Namespaced types and Sequences (basically you can use almost all standard messages).
- Support for Header abstraction (MessageWithHeader interface), allowing polymorphic handling of generated messages.
- Multiple other bug fixes and improvements in the library.
- Resolved issues with the Unity libraries loading.
Since the fork contains rather revolutionary, large changes and includes a body of third person's work, it would need plenty of effort to integrate with the ros2_dotnet main.
Make sure to source your ROS2 Dashing environment
mkdir -p ~/ros2_dotnet_ws/src
cd ~/ros2_dotnet_ws
vcs import ~/ros2_dotnet_ws/src < ros2_dotnet_dashing.repos
colcon build
Running. Source install/setup.bash in both terminals:
ros2 run rcldotnet_examples rcldotnet_talker
ros2 run rcldotnet_examples rcldotnet_listener
Testing. Source install/setup.bash in terminal and change directory to rcldotnet_tests under src:
dotnet watch test
See Projects page for what tasks and contributions are needed.