Opensource community driven playlist using Spotify, Mopidy, Node.js and Backbone.js
- Simple and elegant group playlist
- Song Bombs = 3 unique votes skips the track and "boos" the player
- Search keywords or Spotify URI's
- Play / Pause toggle
- Default Playlist (plays when Apollo runs out of songs to play)
- Don't talk about Fight Club.
- You'll need to have a basic understanding of Node and Node's package manager. I'll add that I didn't have a basic understanding of Node at all before this project and used Apollo to help me learn it... So there's hope for you too!
First we'll need to install Mopidy. Mopidy is a opensource music server that you can connect to many "frontends" or roll your own, which what Apollo is. To read more about Mopidy go here.
- Install Mopidy. Mopidy is an opensource music server that installable on OSX, Debian/Ubuntu, Rasberry Pi. *note: so far we've only tested on Debian and OSX.
- You'll need to do the Spotify installation
- Next you'll need to enable http on Mopidy
- Start Mopidy on the commandline (if this doesn't work check the mopidy docs, probably a python path issue.)
$ mopidy
- Optional: You'll want to have Mopidy running in the background at all times for Apollo to work. You'll want to look into making Mopidy a Daemon so that if it crashes it will auto-restart.
Now that you have Mopidy up and running, let's setup up Apollo as our Frontend for it.
Clone Apollo to a local folder
$ git clone $ cd Apollo-Player
Install Node dependencies
$ npm install
Configure Apollo
- Create a file called config.js in root directory of Apollo
$ touch config.js (or just create it with an editor)
- add this structure into config.js file:
var config = { server: { port: 3000, }, "default_playlist_uri": "spotify:user:samcreate:playlist:30M46OlqukAmOgXgaJ0ohU", "htmlPretty": "true" }; module.exports = config;
- Add your Spotify default playlist uri (this has to be a public playlist to work). This is what plays when all the songs in the queue have finished playing (required)
Start Apollo
$ node apollo.js
Once Apollo is started, navigate to your localhost: http://localhost:3000
Optionally on Debian/Ubuntu, you might want to start Apollo as a system service.
- If you change a value in config.js, you'll need to restart node (ctrl+c)
- Apollo works best in Chrome.
- Frontend: Backbone, RequireJS, Bootstrap, Handelbars, Jade templating and stylus
- Backend: Node.js, ExpressJS