A CameraView for Xamarin.Forms (iOS and Android only), based on ZXing.Net by Redth.
To include the namespace in your XAML:
Then simply use it:
<rfc:CameraView x:Name="cameraView" />
To take a photo:
await cameraView.CapturePhotoAsync(path);
Permissions are handled by Xamarin.Essentials on first use. You have to set up Xamarin.Essentials permissions in your projects.
<rf:TitledContentView Title="RedCorners.Forms.CameraView" HasButton="False" x:Name="titleView">
<Button Visual="Default" BackgroundColor="Transparent" Text="Capture" Clicked="Button_Clicked" TextColor="White" />
<rfc:CameraView x:Name="cameraView" />
<Image x:Name="previewImage" Aspect="AspectFill" />
public MainPage()
titleView.BackCommand = new Command(() =>
previewImage.Source = null;
titleView.HasButton = false;
private async void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
var path = Path.Combine(
await cameraView.CapturePhotoAsync(path);
previewImage.Source = path;
titleView.HasButton = true;