A Python script to simulate file system streaming from a file of delimiter separated values/points/columns per line/trajectory/row.
python parser.py
This will stream with default options selected (an existing file present in input directory will be timely streamed to multiple files in output dir).
Pass -h argument to show possible optional arguments to use this script for your own problem.
python parser.py [-h] [-d DELAY] [-min MIN_VAL] [-max MAX_VAL] [-i INPUT_FILE]
[-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-c] [-s START_FROM] [-l LIMIT]
[-de DELIMITER] [-sc]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
Streaming Delay in seconds to generate a new values
file for each trajectory (line) in output dir
(default: 1)
-min MIN_VAL, --min_val MIN_VAL
Minimum number of points in a line to be considered
significant trajectory (line) (default: 50)
-max MAX_VAL, --max_val MAX_VAL
Stream this many number of separate points file
(default: 50)
-i INPUT_FILE, --input_file INPUT_FILE
Path to file of line-separated trajectories of comma-
sep points which should be read and parsed for
streaming (default: input/trajectory.txt)
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Output Directory to stream to (will generate a new
file every streaming delay) (default: output/)
-c, --cumulative Stream Cumulatively (Append new points to previous
points in new files) (default: True)
-s START_FROM, --start_from START_FROM
Start from Row/Line/Trajectory Number upto limit
defined by -l (default: 0)
-l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
Maximum number of values / trajectories to consider
(default: 100000)
-de DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER
Delimiter that separates points in each line (default:
-sc, --stream_columns
Stream Columns (Values/Points) or Rows
(Lines/Trajectories) (default: True)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.