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Installing with Anaconda

Steve Crawford edited this page Feb 25, 2018 · 16 revisions

These installation instructions are for installing pysalt with Anaconda. They assume you are starting on new installation, but if you already have IRAF installed, you can skip the installation of that included below. Anaconda works from the bash shell, so if you are not using bash, execute 'bash -l' before running the following commands. If installing on Ubuntu, it may require these additional steps.

 #set up astroconda for the download an
 conda config --add channels

 #set up the virtual environment
 conda create --name pysalt python=2.7
 source activate pysalt 

 #install conda packages
 conda install astropy=2 scipy matplotlib pyqt=4 iraf pyraf stsci pyds9
 conda install -c astropy aplpy ccdproc 

 # install pip packages
 pip install pyspectrograph==0.31 pywcs pyfits==3.3 pyephem

 #download development version pysalt and add to in your home directory
 mkdir iraf
 cd iraf
 [hit enter when asked]
 printf '%s\n%s\n' 'reset pysalt     = home$pysalt/' 'task  pysalt.pkg = pysalt$' >>
 git clone