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feat: add dev audit messages command
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peternhale committed Nov 8, 2022
1 parent 179d221 commit 2555a67
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Showing 4 changed files with 239 additions and 174 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,11 +8,13 @@
"@oclif/core": "^1.20.0",
"@octokit/rest": "^19.0.5",
"@salesforce/core": "^3.30.14",
"@salesforce/kit": "^1.7.1",
"@salesforce/kit": "^1.8.0",
"@salesforce/sf-plugins-core": "^1.17.0",
"change-case": "^4.1.2",
"fast-glob": "^3.2.12",
"got": "^11.8.5",
"graphology": "^0.25.1",
"graphology-types": "^0.24.5",
"js-yaml": "^4.1.0",
"replace-in-file": "^6.3.2",
"shelljs": "^0.8.5",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,4 +133,4 @@
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
268 changes: 179 additions & 89 deletions src/commands/dev/audit/messages.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,13 +9,42 @@ import { join, parse, relative, resolve } from 'path';
import { Logger, Messages } from '@salesforce/core';
import { Flags, SfCommand } from '@salesforce/sf-plugins-core';
import { Duration, ThrottledPromiseAll } from '@salesforce/kit';
import { MultiDirectedGraph } from 'graphology';

export type AuditResults = {
unusedBundles: string[];
messageState: Record<string, { found: boolean; files: string[] }>;
missing: Record<string, { isLiteral: boolean; missing: boolean; files: string[] }>;
unusedMessages: Array<{ Bundle: string; Name: string }>;
missingMessages: Array<{ File: string; Name: string; SourceVar: string; Bundle: string; IsLiteral: boolean }>;

type NodeType = {
type: 'bundle' | 'source' | 'message' | 'messageReference' | 'bundleReference';

type FileNode = NodeType & {
path: string;

type BundleNode = NodeType & {
name: string;

type BundleRefNode = NodeType & {
variable: string;
name: string;

type MessageNode = NodeType & {
key: string;

type MessageRefNode = NodeType & {
key: string;
isLiteral: boolean;

type Node = FileNode | BundleNode | MessageNode | MessageRefNode | BundleRefNode;

const messages = Messages.load('@salesforce/plugin-dev', 'audit.messages', [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,10 +97,11 @@ export default class AuditMessages extends SfCommand<AuditResults> {
private bundles: string[] = [];
private sourceDirPath: string;
private source: Map<string, string> = new Map();
private auditResults: AuditResults = { unusedBundles: [], messageState: {}, missing: {} };
private auditResults: AuditResults = { unusedBundles: [], unusedMessages: [], missingMessages: [] };
private package: string;
private projectDir: string;
private logger: Logger;
private graph: MultiDirectedGraph<Node> = new MultiDirectedGraph<Node>();

public async run(): Promise<AuditResults> {
this.logger = Logger.childFromRoot(;
Expand All @@ -81,42 +111,44 @@ export default class AuditMessages extends SfCommand<AuditResults> {
await this.loadMessages();
await this.loadSource();
return this.auditResults;

private async validateFlags(): Promise<void> {
this.projectDir = resolve(this.flags['project-dir'] as string);
this.logger.debug('Loading project directory: %s', this.projectDir);
this.logger.debug(`Loading project directory: ${this.projectDir}`);
const { name } = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(resolve(this.projectDir, 'package.json'), 'utf8')) as {
name: string;
this.logger.debug('Loaded package name: %s', name);
this.logger.debug(`Loaded package name: ${name}`);
this.package = name;

private async loadMessages(): Promise<void> {
this.messagesDirPath = resolve(this.projectDir, this.flags['messages-dir']);
this.logger.debug('Loading messages from %s', this.messagesDirPath);
this.logger.debug(`Loading messages from ${this.messagesDirPath}`);
const messagesDir = await fs.promises.readdir(this.messagesDirPath, { withFileTypes: true });
this.bundles = messagesDir.filter((entry) => entry.isFile()).map((entry) =>;
this.logger.debug(`Loaded ${this.bundles.length} bundles with names ${this.bundles.toString()}`);

private async loadSource(): Promise<void> {
this.sourceDirPath = resolve(this.projectDir, this.flags['source-dir']);
this.logger.debug('Loading source from %s', this.sourceDirPath);
this.logger.debug(`Loading source from ${this.sourceDirPath}`);
const throttledPromise = new ThrottledPromiseAll<string, void>({ concurrency: 10, timeout: Duration.minutes(5) });
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const fileProducer = async (file: string, producer: ThrottledPromiseAll<string, void>): Promise<void> => {
this.logger.trace('Loading file %s', file);
this.logger.trace(`Loading file ${file}`);
const fileContents = await fs.promises.readFile(file, 'utf8');
const contents = fileContents.replace(/\n/g, ' ').replace(/\s{2,}/g, '');
this.source.set(relative(this.projectDir, file), contents);

const dirHandler = async (dir: string, producer: ThrottledPromiseAll<string, void>): Promise<void> => {
this.logger.debug('Loading directory %s', dir);
this.logger.debug(`Loading directory ${dir}`);
const contents = await fs.promises.readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true });
contents.filter((entry) => entry.isDirectory()).map((entry) => join(dir,,
Expand All @@ -141,41 +173,20 @@ export default class AuditMessages extends SfCommand<AuditResults> {
} else {
this.auditResults.unusedBundles.sort().map((Bundle) => ({ Bundle })), => ({ Bundle })),
{ Bundle: { header: 'Bundle' } }
const unusedMessages = [...Object.entries(this.auditResults.messageState)]
.filter(([, { found }]) => !found)
.map(([key]) => {
const [Bundle, Name] = key.split(':');
return { Bundle, Name };
.filter((unused) => !this.auditResults.unusedBundles.includes(unused.Bundle))
.sort((a, b) => {
return a.Bundle.localeCompare(b.Bundle) || a.Name.localeCompare(b.Name);
if (unusedMessages.length === 0) {
if (this.auditResults.unusedMessages.length === 0) {
} else {
this.table(unusedMessages, { Bundle: { header: 'Bundle' }, Name: { header: 'Name' } });
this.table(this.auditResults.unusedMessages, { Bundle: { header: 'Bundle' }, Name: { header: 'Name' } });
const hasNonLiteralReferences = Object.values(this.auditResults.missing).some((missing) => !missing.isLiteral);
const missingMessages = [...Object.entries(this.auditResults.missing)]
.filter(([, { missing }]) => missing)
.sort((a, b) => {
const [akey] = a[0];
const [bkey] = b[0];
return akey.localeCompare(bkey);
.map((entry) => {
const [key, { isLiteral, files }] = entry;
return { Name: key, isLiteral: isLiteral ? '' : '*', Files: files.sort().join('\n') };
const hasNonLiteralReferences = this.auditResults.missingMessages.some((msg) => !msg.IsLiteral);
if (missingMessages.length === 0) {
if (this.auditResults.missingMessages.length === 0) {
} else {
Expand All @@ -185,76 +196,155 @@ export default class AuditMessages extends SfCommand<AuditResults> {
const data ={ File, SourceVar, Name, IsLiteral, Bundle }) => ({
IsLiteral: IsLiteral ? '' : '*',
{ Name: { header: 'Name' }, isLiteral: { header: '*' }, Files: { header: 'Files' } },
File: { header: 'File' },
SourceVar: { header: 'Message Bundle Var' },
Name: { header: 'Name' },
IsLiteral: { header: '*' },
Bundle: { header: 'Referenced Bundle' },
{ 'no-truncate': true }

private auditMessages(): void {
this.bundles.forEach((bundleName) => {
const bundle: Messages<string> = Messages.loadMessages(this.package, parse(bundleName).name);
this.logger.debug('Auditing messages');
const re = /(#?\w+?)\.(?:getMessage|getMessages|getMessageWithMap|createError|createWarn|createInfo)\((.*?)\)/g;

// create bundle/message nodes add edges between them
this.bundles.forEach((bundleFileName) => {
this.logger.trace(`Adding bundle ${bundleFileName} to graph`);
const bundle: Messages<string> = Messages.loadMessages(this.package, parse(bundleFileName).name);
const bundleName = parse(bundleFileName).name;
this.graph.addNode(bundleName, { type: 'bundle', name: bundleFileName });
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
const keys: string[] = [...bundle.messages.keys()] as string[];
// audits bundle for unused keys
const loadBundleRegex = new RegExp(`Messages.load(Messages)?\\(.*?${parse(bundleName).name}.*?\\)`);
keys.forEach((key) => {
const messageKeyRegex = `\\.(?:getMessage|getMessages|getMessageWithMap|createError|createWarn|createInfo)\\(['"]?(${key})['"]?.*?\\)`;
const re = new RegExp(messageKeyRegex, 'g');
const keyFound: { found: boolean; files: string[] } = { found: false, files: [] };
.filter(([, contents]) => loadBundleRegex.test(contents))
.forEach(([file, contents]) => {
const matches = [...contents.matchAll(re)];
matches.forEach(() => {
keyFound.found = true;
this.logger.trace(`Adding message ${key} to graph with key ${bundleName}:${key}`);
this.graph.addNode(`${bundleName}:${key}`, { type: 'message', key });
this.graph.addEdge(bundleName, `${bundleName}:${key}`);
[...this.source.entries()].forEach(([file, contents]) => {
this.logger.trace(`Auditing file ${file} to graph`);
this.graph.addNode(file, { type: 'source', name: file });
// find and record references to bundles
const bundleRegexp = new RegExp('.*?\\s+(.\\w+?) = Messages.load(Messages)?\\((.*?)\\)', 'g');
const bundleMatches = [...contents.matchAll(bundleRegexp)];
bundleMatches.forEach((match) => {
const [, bundleName] = match[3].split(',');
const bundle = bundleName.trim().replace(/['"]/g, '');
const bundleVar = match[1].trim();
const bundleRefKey = `${file}:${bundleVar}`;
this.logger.trace(`Adding bundle reference ${bundleRefKey} to graph`);
if (!this.graph.hasNode(bundleRefKey)) {
this.graph.addNode(bundleRefKey, { type: 'bundleReference', variable: bundleVar, name: bundle });
this.graph.addEdge(file, bundleRefKey);
if (this.graph.hasNode(bundle)) {
this.graph.addEdge(bundleRefKey, bundle);
.filter((m) => m?.[2]) // filter out function calls with no parameters
.forEach(([, bundleVar, paramString]) => {
this.logger.trace(`Processing Message class function references in ${file}`);

this.auditResults.messageState = Object.assign(this.auditResults.messageState, {
[`${bundleName}:${key}`]: keyFound,
const params = paramString.split(',');
const isLiteral = /^['"]/.test(params[0]);
const key = params[0].replace(/['"]/g, '');
this.logger.trace(`Found message ${key} in file ${file} and isLiteral is ${isLiteral}`);
const mesageRefNodeKey = `${file}:${bundleVar}:${key}`;
if (!this.graph.hasNode(mesageRefNodeKey)) {
this.graph.addNode(mesageRefNodeKey, { type: 'messageReference', key, isLiteral });
if (!this.graph.hasNode(`${file}:${bundleVar}`)) {
this.graph.addNode(`${file}:${bundleVar}`, { type: 'bundleReference', name: 'unknown', variable: key });
this.graph.addEdge(`${file}:${bundleVar}`, mesageRefNodeKey);
if (isLiteral) {
const bundleRefNode = this.graph.getNodeAttributes(`${file}:${bundleVar}`) as BundleRefNode;
if (this.graph.hasNode(`${}:${key}`)) {
`Try to add edge from message ref ${mesageRefNodeKey} to message ${}:${key}`
this.graph.addEdge(mesageRefNodeKey, `${}:${key}`);

private buildAuditResults(): void {
// find unused bundles
this.auditResults.unusedBundles = this.graph
.filterNodes((node, attrs) => attrs.type === 'bundle' && this.graph.inDegree(node) === 0)

// find unused messages that are not part of an unused bundle
this.auditResults.unusedMessages = this.graph
.filterNodes((node, attrs) => {
if (attrs.type !== 'message') {
return false;
const inboundMessageRefs = this.graph.filterInboundNeighbors(node, (inboundNode, inboundAttrs) => {
return inboundAttrs.type === 'messageReference';
return inboundMessageRefs.length === 0;
.map((key) => {
const [Bundle, Name] = key.split(':');
return { Bundle, Name };
.filter((unused) => !this.auditResults.unusedBundles.includes(unused.Bundle))
.sort((a, b) => {
return a.Bundle.localeCompare(b.Bundle) || a.Name.localeCompare(b.Name);
// audits bundle this is not used
const allMessagesNotFound = [...Object.entries(this.auditResults.messageState)]
.filter(([key]) => {
const [bundlePart] = key.split(':');
return bundlePart === bundleName;
.every(([, { found }]) => !found);
if (allMessagesNotFound) {

// audits source for missing messages
.filter(([, contents]) => loadBundleRegex.test(contents))
.forEach(([file, contents]) => {
const reString =
const re = new RegExp(reString, 'g');
const matches = [...contents.matchAll(re)];
.filter((m) => m?.[1])
.forEach((match) => {
const params = match[1].split(',');
const isLiteral = /^['"]/.test(params[0]);
const key = params[0].replace(/['"]/g, '');
const missingKey = this.auditResults.missing[key] || { isLiteral, missing: true, files: [] };
if (keys.includes(key)) {
missingKey.missing = false;
if (!missingKey.files.includes(file)) {
this.auditResults.missing = Object.assign(this.auditResults.missing, { [key]: missingKey });
// find message references there are no outbound edges to messages
this.auditResults.missingMessages = this.graph
(node, attrs) =>
attrs.type === 'messageReference' &&
this.graph.filterOutboundNeighbors(node, (msgNode, msgAtrs) => {
return msgAtrs.type === 'message';
}).length === 0
.map((key) => {
const bundleRef = this.graph.findInboundNeighbor(key, (node, attrs) => {
return attrs.type === 'bundleReference';
if (!bundleRef) {
throw new Error(`Unable to find bundle reference for ${key}`);
const bundle = this.graph.getNodeAttributes(bundleRef) as BundleRefNode;
const messageRef = this.graph.getNodeAttributes(key) as MessageRefNode;
const [File, SourceVar, Name] = key.split(':');
return { File, SourceVar, Name, IsLiteral: messageRef.isLiteral, Bundle: };
.sort((a, b) => {
const fileCompare = a.File.localeCompare(b.File);
const nameCompare = a.Name.localeCompare(b.Name);
const sourceVarCompare = a.SourceVar.localeCompare(b.SourceVar);
if (fileCompare === 0) {
if (sourceVarCompare === 0) {
return nameCompare;
return sourceVarCompare;
return fileCompare;

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