This project is implemented using C
and Parsing of HTTP
- Used Semaphore instead of Condition Variables and pthread_join() and pthread_exit() function.
- pthread_join() requires us to pass the thread id of the the thread to wait for.
- Semaphore’s sem_wait() and sem_post() doesn’t need any parameter. So it is a better option.
- To Understand →
- The working of requests from our local computer to the server.
- The handling of multiple client requests from various clients.
- Locking procedure for concurrency.
- The concept of cache and its different functions that might be used by browsers.
- Proxy Server do →
- It speeds up the process and reduces the traffic on the server side.
- It can be used to restrict user from accessing specific websites.
- A good proxy will change the IP such that the server wouldn’t know about the client who sent the request.
- Changes can be made in Proxy to encrypt the requests, to stop anyone accessing the request illegally from your client.
- Threading
- Locks
- Semaphore
- Cache (LRU algorithm is used in it)
- If a URL opens multiple clients itself, then our cache will store each client’s response as a separate element in the linked list. So, during retrieval from the cache, only a chunk of response will be send and the website will not open
- Fixed size of cache element, so big websites may not be stored in cache.
- This code can be implemented using multiprocessing that can speed up the process with parallelism.
- We can decide which type of websites should be allowed by extending the code.
- We can implement requests like POST with this code.
- Code is well commented. For any doubt you can refer to the comments.
$ git clone
$ cd proxyServerMultiThreaded
$ make all
$ ./proxy <port no.>
Open http://localhost:port/
- This code can only be run in Linux Machine. Please disable your browser cache.
- To run the proxy without cache Change the name of the file (
proxy_server_with_cache.c to proxy_server_without_cache.c
) MakeFile.
- When website is opened for the first time (
url not found
) then cache will be miss. - Then if you again open that website again then
Data is retrieved from the cache
will be printed.