This project provides a collection of examples on using various Apache Storm topologies.
- KafkaSpout
- HdfsBolt
- HiveBolt
- MongoBolt
The examples depend on the hadoop-mini-clusters project, which is already added to the pom.
- Clone the project
cd /tmp && git clone
- Build the project
cd /tmp/storm-topology-examples && bash -x bin/
- If using the MongoBolt, install MongoDB
cd /tmp/storm-topology-examples && bash -x bin/
- If using the HiveBolt, create the table (you likely want to modify the ddl)
cd /tmp/storm-topology-examples && bash -x bin/ [/path/to/create_orc_table.sql]
- Create the Kafka topic (if auto creation of topics is disabled)
cd /tmp/mypipe-example && bash -x bin/ <topic_name>
- Copy the properties template and edit with the appropriate properties
cd /tmp/storm-topology-examples
cp src/main/resources/ /tmp/
vi /tmp/
- KafkaHdfsTopology
cd /tmp/storm-topology-examples/target
storm jar storm-topology-examples-*.jar com.github.sakserv.storm.KafkaHdfsTopology /tmp/
- KafkaHiveTopology
cd /tmp/storm-topology-examples/target
storm jar storm-topology-examples-*.jar com.github.sakserv.storm.KafkaHiveTopology /tmp/
- KafkaMongoTopology
cd /tmp/storm-topology-examples/target
storm jar storm-topology-examples-*.jar com.github.sakserv.storm.KafkaMongoTopology /tmp/