[TypeScript] 1 asset handling for [Play 2.0] 2, implemented as an [sbt] 3 plugin (very similar to Play's handling of CoffeeScript and LESS).
The plugin assumes the availability of the tsc
- the TypeScript compiler executable. With
node.js and npm installed, run
npm install -g typescript
to install tsc
globally, thereby installing not only the module, but also the executable.
In your Play application folder, add
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots Repository" at "http://oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/public"
addSbtPlugin("com.github.mumoshu" % "play2-typescript" % "0.1.2-SNAPSHOT")
to project/plugins.sbt
The plugin automatically registers for compilation of app/assets/**/*.ts
, that is all typescript files in your app/assets
You may also want to import/export modules or classes across multiple .ts files, enable Google Closure Compiler in your project/Build.scala:
val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA).settings(
// Enable Google Closure Compiler to enable `require()` function utilized by TypeScript to enable importing modules at runtime.
javascriptEntryPoints <<= baseDirectory(base => base / "app" / "assets" ** "*.js")
: The typescript file watcher is being added hereplay-typescript-entry-points
: All files matchingapp/assets/**/*.ts
, except files starting in an underscoreplay-typescript-options
: A sequence of strings passed to typescript as command-line flags
This plugin is based on Juha Litola's [play-sass][play-sass] plugin for handling Sass assets.
Copyright (c) 2012 KUOKA Yusuke
Apache v2 licensing, for details see file LICENSE.