this is wip, don't use in production!
Record VNC screens to mp4 video using ffmpeg. Thanks to amitbet for providing his vnc2video library which made this wrapper possible.
docker run -it widerin/vnc-recorder --help
vnc-recorder - Connect to a vnc server and record the screen to a video.
vnc-recorder [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
Daniel Widerin <[email protected]>
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--ffmpeg value Which ffmpeg executable to use (default: "ffmpeg") [$VR_FFMPEG_BIN]
--host value VNC host (default: "localhost") [$VR_VNC_HOST]
--port value VNC port (default: 5900) [$VR_VNC_PORT]
--password value Password to connect to the VNC host (default: "secret") [$VR_VNC_PASSWORD]
--framerate value Framerate to record (default: 30) [$VR_FRAMERATE]
--crf value Constant Rate Factor (CRF) to record with (default: 35) [$VR_CRF]
--outfile value Output file to record to. (default: "output.mp4") [$VR_OUTFILE]
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
Note: If you run vnc-recorder from your command line and don't use docker
you might want to customize the --ffmpeg
flag to point to an existing
ffmpeg installation.
docker build -t yourbuild .
docker run -it yourbuild --help
- Add tests!
- Add more encoder options
- Get some patches merged for our dependencies