LinuxChix India Bot is a bot developed on Telegram Messaenger which is used by LinuxChix India community members on Telegram. This bot enable the users to see the information related to LinuxChix India Community like Meetup details, next meetup details, next meetup schedule, moto of the community and other social media link of the community.
To contribute to this bot, create an issue
or you can also clone the repository to do the updations and sending a pull request
for the updation you have done.
install python3
install pip3
(Python Package Installer for Python3)- Clone the repostory
- FOR UNIX: run this command on terminal:
git clone
- FOR Windows: download the repository by clicking on
'Clone or Download' button on repository page. Download the repo as a ZIP file
, then extract it to a desired location.
- FOR UNIX: run this command on terminal:
Open terminal
and go to the location of the repostory.- Install the required packages for the bot by running the command
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
on terminal. - Run file by running the command
on terminal