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4.2.9预发布版本,支持elasticsearch6.3.1 sql特性

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@chenrenfei chenrenfei released this 19 Jul 15:10
· 6156 commits to master since this release

通过 实现对elasticsearch6.3.1 sql的支持。

	<property name="elasticEndpoints">
			<bean class="org.sagacity.sqltoy.config.model.ElasticEndpoint">
				<constructor-arg value="http://ip:9200" />
				<property name="id" value="default" />
				<!-- 6.3.x 版本支持xpack sql查询-->
				<property name="enableSql" value="true" />
				<!-- <property name="username" value="" /> 
                                           <property name="password" 	value="" /> -->


    <eql id="sys_elastic_test" fields="chineseName,price,trademarkId">
		select * from goods_index
		where 1=1
		#[and chineseName =matchPhrase(:keyword)]
		#[and manufacturerName =matchPhrase(:keyword2)]
		#[and trademarkName =matchPhrase(:keyword3)]
		#[and goodsCateId in (:goodsCateIds)]
		#[and transactionType =:transactionType]
		#[and trademarkId =:trademarkId]
		#[and uom =:uom]
		#[and :endPrice >=price]
		#[and price >=:startPrice]
		#[@if(:priceSort==1 && :transactionSort==1) order by price desc,days desc,upTime desc]
		#[@if(:priceSort==0 && :transactionSort==0) order by price asc,days asc,upTime desc]
		#[@if(:priceSort==1 && :transactionSort==0) order by price asc,days asc,upTime desc]
		#[@if(:priceSort==0 && :transactionSort==1) order by price asc,days asc,upTime desc]


    public List findESBySql(OrganInfoVO organInfoVO) throws Exception {
	return elastic().sql("sys_elastic_test").entity(organInfoVO).find();

    public PaginationModel findESPageBySql(PaginationModel pageModel, GoodsParam goodsParam)
        throws   Exception {
	return elastic().sql("query_goods").entity(goodsParam).resultType(Goods.class).findPage(pageModel);