This release is another one which concentrates on fixing (older) bugs. There will also be added features.
The tagged bugs in detail:
basic arithmetic: #497, #499, #518, #543, #545, #550, #578, #579, #583
coding theory: #512
documentation: #482
memory leaks: #530, #531, #532, #533, #534, #535, #536, #537, #558, #559, #560, #561, #562, #563, #564, #565, #566
This release is another one which concentrates on fixing (older) bugs. There will also be added features.
The tagged bugs in detail:
basic arithmetic: #497, #499, #518, #543, #545, #550, #578, #579, #583
coding theory: #512
documentation: #482
memory leaks: #530, #531, #532, #533, #534, #535, #536, #537, #558, #559, #560, #561, #562, #563, #564, #565, #566
notebook: #354
number theory: #388
packages: #538, #540, #555, #572, #581
High level changelog:
This release is another one that concentrates on fixing bugs and increasing the doctests coverage. Many people contributed and a great number of tickets were closed.
- Craig Citro -- fixes to build process (involving c_lib)
- Craig Citro -- modular forms bugfix (for projection map); added some number fields functionality, many new doctests
- Pablo De Napoli (refereed by Martin Albrecht) -- added minpoly for finite field elements.
- Robert Bradshaw (and William Stein) -- created a separate java3d spkg
- Mike Hansen -- lots of Bug fixes all over the place
- Michael Abshoff -- bug fixes, improved valgrind support, Solaris port fixes
- William Stein -- bug fixes and lots more doctests, added coverage flag for doctests, improvements to the build process (SCons not rebuilding issue)
- William Stein, Michael Abshoff, Martin Albrecht, Robert Bradshaw, Burcin Erocal, Joel B. Mohler: memleak fixes
- Timothy Clemans -- bug fix for the notebook
- Tom Boothby -- bug fixes for the notebook, various other fixes
- David Harvey: bug fixes, integration of vastly improved gcd code from, AMD64 specific assembly code:
sage: a = ZZ.random_element(2^10000000); b = ZZ.random_element(2^10000000);
sage: time t = XGCD(a, b)
CPU times: user 16.03 s, sys: 0.39 s, total: 16.42 s
With 2.8.3 and the old gmp package this took about 900 seconds
This milestone is closed.
No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.