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Extend coleman integration to handle Weierstrass points #7927

robertwb opened this issue Jan 14, 2010 · 22 comments

Extend coleman integration to handle Weierstrass points #7927

robertwb opened this issue Jan 14, 2010 · 22 comments


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CC: @jbalakrishnan

Component: number theory

Author: Jennifer Balakrishnan, Robert Bradshaw

Reviewer: Kiran Kedlaya

Merged: sage-4.3.4.alpha0

Issue created by migration from

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some code, probably needs to be cleaned up

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Attachment: 7927-coleman-weierstrass.patch.gz

Attachment: 13535.patch.gz

more Weierstrass code

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Here's a first attempt at some more code, with a little bit of overlap with Robert's code. I like his incorporation of the non-Teichmuller algorithm as an optional parameter in the main Coleman integral function, so we can mostly ignore what I do instead.

The main functions of interest are
coleman_integral_from_weierstrass_via_boundary and
coleman_integral_from_weierstrass ; the latter can only be used for odd differentials, while the former is pretty slow, dependent on p-adic extensions.

The auxiliary functions (e.g., P_to_S, S_to_Q, etc.) aren't likely to be of much interest to the user, but they give us good consistency checks. I'd appreciate input on renaming/restructuring things.

And my apologies for the messed-up line breaks in hyperelliptic_generic -- just noticed them now, but boxen.math (where I've been editing) has been difficult to access in the last hour from Guam. I can fix this (my) tomorrow morning.

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Attachment: 13536.patch.gz

apply after 13535 to fix line break problems

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kedlaya commented Jan 30, 2010


The overlap needs to be taken care of somehow. It might be easiest for Jen to incorporate whatever is appropriate from Robert's patch.

I'm dubious about the treatment of points in the infinite disc, on several counts. One is whether the Frobenius gets the y-coordinate right, since I think in both patches the check passes for trivial reasons whether or not the y-coordinate is right. Under Robert's patch, one gets lucky: you win as long as the square root of a p-adic number with unit part congruent to 1 mod p is guaranteed to be congruent to 1 mod p. This is undocumented but appears to be true. Under Jen's patch, one does not get lucky:

sage: K = pAdicField(11, 5)
sage: x = polygen(K)
sage: C = HyperellipticCurve(x^5 + 33/16*x^4 + 3/4*x^3 + 3/8*x^2 - 1/4*x + 1/16)
sage: P = C.lift_x(11^(-2))
sage: C.frobenius(P)
(11^-22 + O(11^-17) : 10*11^-55 + 10*11^-54 + 10*11^-53 + 10*11^-52 + 10*11^-51 + O(11^-50) : 1 + O(11^5))

More seriously, computing Coleman integrals even between two points in the infinite disc seems to be broken. Under Robert's patch, we have:

sage: K = pAdicField(11, 5)
sage: x = polygen(K)
sage: C = HyperellipticCurve(x^5 + 33/16*x^4 + 3/4*x^3 + 3/8*x^2 - 1/4*x + 1/16)
sage: P = C.lift_x(11^(-2))
sage: Q = C.lift_x(3*11^(-2))
sage: C.tiny_integrals_on_basis(P,Q)
[9*11^3 + 11^4 + 2*11^5 + 2*11^6 + 11^7 + O(11^8), 11^2 + 5*11^4 + 3*11^5 + O(11^6), 8*11^-1 + 5 + 5*11 + 5*11^2 + 6*11^3 + O(11^4), 10*11^-3 + 3*11^-2 + 7*11^-1 + 5 + 8*11 + O(11^2)]
sage: C.coleman_integrals_on_basis(P, Q)
(10*11^-102 + 2*11^-101 + 9*11^-100 + 3*11^-99 + O(11^-98), 8*11^-102 + 2*11^-101 + 2*11^-100 + O(11^-98), 10*11^-103 + 8*11^-102 + 3*11^-101 + 6*11^-100 + 7*11^-99 + O(11^-98), 2*11^-103 + 5*11^-102 + 8*11^-100 + 5*11^-99 + O(11^-98))

The last two lines should be the same; right now, they aren't even of the same return type (one is a list, one is a tuple).

Under Jen's patch, the last call returns an error instead:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

/scratch/sage-4.3.2.alpha0/<ipython console> in <module>()

/scratch/sage-4.3.2.alpha0/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/hyperelliptic_padic_field.pyc in coleman_integrals_on_basis(self, P, Q)
    137         prof("tiny integrals")
--> 138         TP = self.teichmuller(P)
    139 #        print "TP", TP
    140         P_to_TP = V(self.tiny_integrals_on_basis(P, TP))

/scratch/sage-4.3.2.alpha0/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/hyperelliptic_padic_field.pyc in teichmuller(self, P)
    117         """
    118         K = P[0].parent()
--> 119         x = K.teichmuller(P[0])
    120         pts = self.lift_x(x, all=True)
    121         p =

/scratch/sage-4.3.2.alpha0/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/rings/padics/padic_generic.pyc in teichmuller(self, x, prec)
    376             prec = min(Integer(prec), self.precision_cap())
    377         ans = self(x, prec)
--> 378         ans._teichmuller_set()
    379         return ans

/scratch/sage-4.3.2.alpha0/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/rings/padics/ in sage.rings.padics.padic_capped_relative_element.pAdicCappedRelativeElement._teichmuller_set (sage/rings/padics/padic_capped_relative_element.c:17195)()

ValueError: cannot set negative valuation element to Teichmuller representative.

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kedlaya commented Jan 30, 2010


Followup: the p-adic square root is computed using pari, which always chooses the branch of the square root so that the leading p-adic digit is in [0, p/2]. So Robert's treatment of the ambiguity does seem to work.

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merged Robert's patch with mine, though still a work in progress

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Attachment: 13537.patch.gz

Attachment: 13538.patch.gz

fixing precision issues in the infinite disc

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kedlaya commented Feb 16, 2010


The good news is, this looks fine on mathematical grounds. However, there are a few procedural issues before I can issue a positive review.

I am getting some doctest failures in I think the problem is the indentation in the doctest for is_same_disc. If I fix that by hand, the doctests all pass.

In other news, coverage checking points up some missing documentation/doctests.

Missing documentation:
	 * invariant_differential(self):

Missing doctests:
	 * is_in_weierstrass_disc(self,P):
	 * is_weierstrass(self,P):
	 * tiny_integrals(self, F, P, Q):


Missing documentation:
	 * __init__(self, PP, f, h=None, names=None, genus=None):
	 * change_ring(self, R):
	 * __cmp__(self, other):
	 * lift_x(self, x, all=False):
	 * genus(self):
	 * jacobian(self):
	 * monsky_washnitzer_gens(self):

Missing doctests:
	 * local_coord(self, P, prec = 20, name = 't'):

Possibly wrong (function name doesn't occur in doctests):
	 * _repr_(self):
	 * _magma_init_(self, magma):

Of these, the ones that are new (is_in_weierstrass_disc, is_weierstrass, and maybe some others) absolutely need doctests. Improving the coverage for older functions would be helpful but is not an obstacle to a positive review on this ticket (we could create a separate ticket for that).

Another minor note: various release managers have requested that the commit line for patches start with the number of the relevant ticket, e.g.,

#7927: Extend coleman integration to handle Weierstrass points

This is helpful in case a rollback is needed after applying a whole bunch of disparate patches. This comment can be ignored unless you decide to build a single patch encompassing all of the changes so far.

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kedlaya commented Feb 17, 2010


It appears I spoke to soon. An example which used to work but is now broken:

sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^3+1)
sage: K = Qp(5,8)
sage: HK = H.change_ring(K)                                              
sage: P = HK(0,1)                                                        
sage: Q = HK.lift_x(5)                                                   
sage: HK.tiny_integrals_on_basis(P,Q)                                    
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/r1/kedlaya/.sage/temp/ in <module>()

/scratch/sage-4.2.1/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/hyperelliptic_padic_field.pyc in tiny_integrals_on_basis(self, P, Q)
    298         R = PolynomialRing(self.base_ring(), ['x', 'y'])
    299         x, y = R.gens()
--> 300         return self.tiny_integrals([x**i for i in range(2*self.genus())], P, Q)

/scratch/sage-4.2.1/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/hyperelliptic_padic_field.pyc in tiny_integrals(self, F, P, Q)
    250         P and Q MUST be in the same residue disk for this result to make sense. 
    251         """
--> 252         x, y, z = self.local_analytic_interpolation(P, Q)  #homogeneous coordinates
    253         x = x/z
    254         y = y/z

/scratch/sage-4.2.1/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/hyperelliptic_padic_field.pyc in local_analytic_interpolation(self, P, Q)
     82         """
     83         prec = self.base_ring().precision_cap()
---> 84         if self.is_same_disc(P,Q) == False:
     85             raise ValueError, "%s and %s are not in the same residue disc"%(P,Q)
     86         disc = self.residue_disc(P)

/scratch/sage-4.2.1/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/hyperelliptic_padic_field.pyc in is_same_disc(self, P, Q)
    238             False        
    239         """
--> 240         if self.residue_disc(P) == self.residue_disc(Q):
    241             return True
    242         else:

/scratch/sage-4.2.1/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/hyperelliptic_padic_field.pyc in residue_disc(self, P)
    203         yPv = P[1].valuation()
    204         F = self.base_ring().residue_field()
--> 205         HF = self.change_ring(F)
    206         if P == self(0,1,0):
    207             return HF(0,1,0)

/scratch/sage-4.2.1/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/hyperelliptic_generic.pyc in change_ring(self, R)
     78         y = self._printing_ring.gen()
     79         x = self._printing_ring.base_ring().gen()
---> 80         return HyperellipticCurve(f.change_ring(R), h, "%s,%s"%(x,y))
     82     def _repr_(self):

/scratch/sage-4.2.1/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/constructor.pyc in HyperellipticCurve(f, h, names, PP)
     94             return HyperellipticCurve_g2_finite_field(PP, f, h, names=names, genus=g)
     95         else:
---> 96             return HyperellipticCurve_finite_field(PP, f, h, names=names, genus=g)
     97     elif is_RationalField(R):
     98         if g == 2:

/scratch/sage-4.2.1/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/hyperelliptic_generic.pyc in __init__(self, PP, f, h, names, genus)
     66             names = names.split(",")
     67         self._names = names
---> 68         P1 = PolynomialRing(R,name=names[0])
     69         P2 = PolynomialRing(P1,name=names[1])
     70         self._PP = PP

/scratch/sage-4.2.1/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_ring_constructor.pyc in PolynomialRing(base_ring, arg1, arg2, sparse, order, names, name, implementation)
    341                 raise TypeError, "if second arguments is a string with no commas, then there must be no other non-optional arguments"
    342             name = arg1
--> 343             R = _single_variate(base_ring, name, sparse, implementation)
    344         else:
    345             # 2-4. PolynomialRing(base_ring, names, order='degrevlex'):

/scratch/sage-4.2.1/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_ring_constructor.pyc in _single_variate(base_ring, name, sparse, implementation)
    393 def _single_variate(base_ring, name, sparse, implementation):
    394     import sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_ring as m
--> 395     name = normalize_names(1, name)
    396     key = (base_ring, name, sparse, implementation)
    397     R = _get_from_cache(key)

/scratch/sage-4.2.1/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/structure/ in sage.structure.parent_gens.normalize_names (sage/structure/parent_gens.c:2089)()

/scratch/sage-4.2.1/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/structure/ in sage.structure.parent_gens._certify_names (sage/structure/parent_gens.c:1647)()

ValueError: variable names must be alphanumeric, but one is '(1 + O(5^8))*x' which is not.

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kedlaya commented Feb 17, 2010


Replying to @kedlaya:

It appears I spoke to soon. An example which used to work but is now broken:


This failure occurred using 4.2.1. I can't reproduce it using 4.3.3.alpha0, so it may be an artifact.

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fixing things in comment #4 (doctests, etc.)

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Attachment: 13539.patch.gz

doctesting exceptions; formatting of docstrings

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Attachment: 13540.patch.gz

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removed coleman_integrals_on_basis in

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kedlaya commented Feb 19, 2010


Attachment: 13541.patch.gz

After applying 13535.patch through 13541.patch against 4.3.3.alpha0, I get no long doctest failures anywhere in sage/schemes/. Positive review.

For other issues with Coleman integration, see tickets #8304 and #8305.

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sagetrac-mvngu mannequin commented Mar 3, 2010

Merged: sage-4.3.4.alpha0

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sagetrac-mvngu mannequin commented Mar 3, 2010


Merged in this order:

  1. 13535.patch
  2. 13536.patch
  3. 13537.patch
  4. 13538.patch
  5. 13539.patch
  6. 13540.patch
  7. 13541.patch

Jennifer: you should put the ticket number in your patch.

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sagetrac-mvngu mannequin commented Mar 3, 2010

Author: Jennifer Balakrishnan, Robert Bradshaw

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sagetrac-mvngu mannequin commented Mar 3, 2010

Reviewer: Kiran Kedlaya

@sagetrac-mvngu sagetrac-mvngu mannequin removed the s: positive review label Mar 3, 2010
@sagetrac-mvngu sagetrac-mvngu mannequin closed this as completed Mar 3, 2010
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What's up with this condition:

            x = f.parent().variable_name()
            if x!='a' :  #this is to distinguish between extensions of Qp that are finite vs. not

I totally cannot understand why you check whether the variable name is "a". That makes no sense to me.

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See #24267 for a follow-up.

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