This is an example to create a Pop Up UIView (Swift 2.3)
Create a new view file (.xib
), this is the PopUp View.
Import the popUpViewController.swift
from this repo into your project
Assign the popUpView to your popUpView Controller:
- in the .xib file select the File's Owner (from righte side). then, in Custom Class of Identity Inspector tab, write popUpViewController.
- then from Outlets in Connection Inspector, Connect
to UIView of your .xib file
Now, you should make and instance of controller and handle the popUp after click or sth
- In your main ViewController (that controller you want to show popUpUIView), create an Instance of Controller:
let popUpController = popUpViewController()
- Then in delcare the Instance in viewDidLoad:
popUpController.crateInstanceOfPopUp(self.view, theViewController: self, sizeOfPopUpViewContainer: SIZE_OF_POPUPVIEW_CONTAINER)
- and for the last step, call the
every where you want to do that (like after a button click):
- You must know, whenever you call
it detect popUp situation (like it is open or closed), so you dont need to delcare and handle it, it's automated - You can add everything in your popUpView and use it in controller, like a UIButton I used in this example
When you're making an instance of popUpUIView you can define two additional attributes:
: by default this attribute isfalse
. means, there is no More Section. if you want more section you should set this attribiute totrue
. Then you can add more UI Elemnt in your UIView 'under the main popUpView.
popUpController.crateInstanceOfPopUp(self.view, theViewController: self, sizeOfPopUpViewContainer: 200, needMoreGesture: true)
: by default this attrbiute isDarkGray
. If you want change the background color just set your favorite color az an attribute.
popUpController.crateInstanceOfPopUp(self.view, theViewController: self, sizeOfPopUpViewContainer: 200, backgroundColor: UIColor.redColor())
- As you know you can set all attribiutes once at all :D :
popUpController.crateInstanceOfPopUp(self.view, theViewController: self, sizeOfPopUpViewContainer: 200, needMoreGesture: true, backgroundColor: UIColor.redColor())