Travelling salesman solver for nodejs
This solver uses Simulated Annealing with optional periodic reheating.
Initial solution is constructed using Nearest Neighbour heuristic.
Tour transformations used in the local search step: Stochastic 2-opt, translation and swapping.
The solver is implemented in C++ and doesn't use the nodejs main event loop for running, hence non-blocking.
function solveTsp(costMatrix, roundtrip, options)
returns a promise
- 2d array of costs .. costMatrix[i][j] gives cost between ith and jth points
- whether salesman needs to get back to starting point, ie point at index 0. If false, point at n - 1 is treated as the end point
- {
N - 'number of iterations' default: 1000000,
T - 'Initial temperature' default: 100,
lambda - 'Annealing parameter' default: 0.985,
reheatInterval - 100000,
npm install node-tspsolver
Since this is a C++ addon, it requires node-gyp to be properly configured in your machine. Please go through the instructions provided in to properly set it up for your platform.
var solver = require('node-tspsolver')
var costMatrix = [
[0, 1, 3, 4],
[1, 0, 2, 3],
[3, 2, 0, 5],
[4, 3, 5, 0]
.solveTsp(costMatrix, true, {})
.then(function (result)) {
console.log(result) // result is an array of indices specifying the route.