My daily driver on the desktop and in the cloud.
The only dependency required is Docker.
To run on Linux, clone the repository and start the environment.
# Clone desktop environment
git clone
# Start desktop environment
- Fork this repository.
- Add your ngrok auth token to the repository secrets as
to enable web access. - Enable read and write permissions on your fork to allow GitHub Actions to push to your repository's container registry.
- Run the Deploy Desktop Environment GitHub Actions workflow to deploy the desktop environment to GitHub's Actions infrastructure.
- Click the Cloud Desktop Environment URL printed in the output of the
workflow step.
Fork the cloud-computer/cloud-computer repository to deploy the desktop environment to Google Cloud.
- A computer wholly defined in code.
- From zero to production in one command.
- Consistent experience across cloud and desktop.
Inexhaustive list of keybindings. Check ~/.config/i3/config
for all available bindings.
- Restart the desktop environment:
- Lock screen:
Vim-style bindings for focusing and moving windows.
- Focus left:
- Focus down:
- Focus up:
- Focus right:
- Move focused window left:
- Move focused window down:
- Move focused window up:
- Move focused window right:
- Resize gaps:
- Create a new workspace:
- Move the focused window to a new workspace:
- Switch to adjacent workspace:
- Switch to workspace n:
- Switch to previous workspace:
- Launch alacritty terminal:
- Launch google chrome:
- Launch vs code:
- Launch discord:
- Launch pcmanfm file manager:
- Launch telegram:
- Launch screenshot:
- Move the focused window to the left monitor:
- Move the focused window to the right monitor:
- Show gotop:
- Show terminal:
- Show volume:
- Show wifi: