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Merge pull request #179 from rzk-lang/improve-unused-vars-errors
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Improve error reporting for unused variables
  • Loading branch information
fizruk authored Apr 5, 2024
2 parents 1450c1c + 6be3d05 commit db2edb3
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Showing 2 changed files with 66 additions and 37 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion rzk/src/Language/Rzk/VSCode/Handlers.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ provideCompletions req res = do
declsToItems :: FilePath -> (FilePath, [Decl']) -> [CompletionItem]
declsToItems root (path, decls) = map (declToItem root path) decls
declToItem :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Decl' -> CompletionItem
declToItem rootDir path (Decl name type' _ _ _) = def
declToItem rootDir path (Decl name type' _ _ _ _loc) = def
& label .~ T.pack (printTree $ getVarIdent name)
& detail ?~ T.pack (show type')
& documentation ?~ InR (MarkupContent MarkupKind_Markdown $ T.pack $
Expand Down
101 changes: 65 additions & 36 deletions rzk/src/Rzk/TypeCheck.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Rzk.TypeCheck where

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ data Decl var = Decl
, declValue :: Maybe (TermT var)
, declIsAssumption :: Bool
, declUsedVars :: [var]
, declLocation :: Maybe LocationInfo
} deriving Eq

type Decl' = Decl VarIdent
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,7 +136,8 @@ typecheckModule path (Rzk.Module _moduleLoc _lang commands) =
paramDecls <- concat <$> mapM paramToParamDecl params
ty' <- typecheck (toTerm' (addParamDecls paramDecls ty)) universeT >>= whnfT
term' <- typecheck (toTerm' (addParams params term)) ty' >>= whnfT
let decl = Decl (varIdentAt path name) ty' (Just term') False (varIdentAt path <$> vars)
loc <- asks location
let decl = Decl (varIdentAt path name) ty' (Just term') False (varIdentAt path <$> vars) loc
fmap (first (decl :)) $
localDeclPrepared decl $ do
Context{..} <- ask
Expand All @@ -154,7 +156,8 @@ typecheckModule path (Rzk.Module _moduleLoc _lang commands) =
mapM_ checkDefinedVar (varIdentAt path <$> vars)
paramDecls <- concat <$> mapM paramToParamDecl params
ty' <- typecheck (toTerm' (addParamDecls paramDecls ty)) universeT >>= whnfT
let decl = Decl (varIdentAt path name) ty' Nothing False (varIdentAt path <$> vars)
loc <- asks location
let decl = Decl (varIdentAt path name) ty' Nothing False (varIdentAt path <$> vars) loc
fmap (first (decl :)) $
localDeclPrepared decl $
go (i + 1) moreCommands
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,7 +194,8 @@ typecheckModule path (Rzk.Module _moduleLoc _lang commands) =
<> " Checking #assume " <> intercalate " " [ Rzk.printTree name | name <- names ] ) $ do
withCommand command $ do
ty' <- typecheck (toTerm' ty) universeT
let decls = [ Decl (varIdentAt path name) ty' Nothing True [] | name <- names ]
loc <- asks location
let decls = [ Decl (varIdentAt path name) ty' Nothing True [] loc | name <- names ]
fmap (first (decls <>)) $
localDeclsPrepared decls $
go (i + 1) moreCommands
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -451,14 +455,17 @@ issueWarning message = do
trace ("Warning: " <> message) $
return ()

issueTypeError :: TypeError var -> TypeCheck var a
issueTypeError err = do
fromTypeError :: TypeError var -> TypeCheck var (TypeErrorInScopedContext var)
fromTypeError err = do
context <- ask
throwError $ PlainTypeError $ TypeErrorInContext
return $ PlainTypeError $ TypeErrorInContext
{ typeErrorError = err
, typeErrorContext = context

issueTypeError :: TypeError var -> TypeCheck var a
issueTypeError err = fromTypeError err >>= throwError

panicImpossible :: String -> a
panicImpossible msg = error $ unlines
[ "PANIC! Impossible happened (" <> msg <> ")!"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -576,7 +583,7 @@ unsafeTraceAction' n = traceAction' n . unsafeCoerce
data LocationInfo = LocationInfo
{ locationFilePath :: Maybe FilePath
, locationLine :: Maybe Int
} deriving (Eq)

data Verbosity
= Debug
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -623,6 +630,7 @@ data VarInfo var = VarInfo
, varOrig :: Maybe VarIdent
, varIsAssumption :: Bool -- FIXME: perhaps, introduce something like decl kind?
, varDeclaredAssumptions :: [var]
, varLocation :: Maybe LocationInfo
} deriving (Functor, Foldable)

data Context var = Context
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -700,26 +708,34 @@ withSection name sectionBody =
(decls, errs) <- sectionBody
localDeclsPrepared decls $
performing (ActionCloseSection name) $ do
(\ decls' -> (decls', errs)) <$> endSection errs
result <- (Right <$> endSection errs) `catchError` (return . Left)
case result of
Left err -> return ([], errs <> [err])
Right (decls', errs') -> return (decls', errs')
-- (\ decls' -> (decls', errs)) <$> endSection errs

startSection :: Maybe Rzk.SectionName -> TypeCheck VarIdent a -> TypeCheck VarIdent a
startSection name = local $ \Context{..} -> Context
{ localScopes = ScopeInfo { scopeName = name, scopeVars = [] } : localScopes
, .. }

endSection :: [TypeErrorInScopedContext VarIdent] -> TypeCheck VarIdent [Decl']
endSection :: [TypeErrorInScopedContext VarIdent] -> TypeCheck VarIdent ([Decl'], [TypeErrorInScopedContext VarIdent])
endSection errs = askCurrentScope >>= scopeToDecls errs

scopeToDecls :: Eq var => [TypeErrorInScopedContext VarIdent] -> ScopeInfo var -> TypeCheck var [Decl var]
scopeToDecls :: Eq var => [TypeErrorInScopedContext var] -> ScopeInfo var -> TypeCheck var ([Decl var], [TypeErrorInScopedContext var])
scopeToDecls errs ScopeInfo{..} = do
decls <- collectScopeDecls errs [] scopeVars
(decls, errs') <- collectScopeDecls errs [] scopeVars
-- only issue unused variable errors if there were no errors prior in the section
when (null errs) $ do
forM_ decls $ \Decl{..} -> do
let unusedUsedVars = declUsedVars `intersect` map fst scopeVars
when (not (null unusedUsedVars)) $
issueTypeError $ TypeErrorUnusedUsedVariables unusedUsedVars declName
return decls
-- when (null errs) $ do
unusedErrors <- forM decls $ \Decl{..} -> do
let unusedUsedVars = declUsedVars `intersect` map fst scopeVars
if null errs && not (null unusedUsedVars)
then do
err <- local (\c -> c { location = declLocation }) $
fromTypeError (TypeErrorUnusedUsedVariables unusedUsedVars declName)
return [err]
else return []
return (decls, errs' <> concat unusedErrors)

:: Eq var => var -> (var, VarInfo var) -> TermT var -> TermT var
Expand All @@ -738,6 +754,7 @@ insertExplicitAssumptionFor' a decl VarInfo{..}
, varIsAssumption = varIsAssumption
, varOrig = varOrig
, varDeclaredAssumptions = varDeclaredAssumptions
, varLocation = varLocation

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -776,29 +793,38 @@ makeAssumptionExplicit assumption@(a, aInfo) ((x, xInfo) : xs) = do
, varIsAssumption = varIsAssumption xInfo
, varOrig = varOrig xInfo
, varDeclaredAssumptions = varDeclaredAssumptions xInfo \\ [a]
, varLocation = varLocation xInfo
xs' = map (fmap (insertExplicitAssumptionFor' a (x, xInfo))) xs

collectScopeDecls :: Eq var => [TypeErrorInScopedContext VarIdent] -> [(var, VarInfo var)] -> [(var, VarInfo var)] -> TypeCheck var [Decl var]
collectScopeDecls :: Eq var => [TypeErrorInScopedContext var] -> [(var, VarInfo var)] -> [(var, VarInfo var)] -> TypeCheck var ([Decl var], [TypeErrorInScopedContext var])
collectScopeDecls errs recentVars (decl@(var, VarInfo{..}) : vars)
| varIsAssumption = do
(used, recentVars') <- makeAssumptionExplicit decl recentVars
-- only issue unused vars error if there were no other errors previously
when (null errs) $ do
when (not used) $ do
issueTypeError $ TypeErrorUnusedVariable var varType
collectScopeDecls errs recentVars' vars
-- when (null errs) $ do
unusedErr <-
if null errs && not used
then local (\c -> c { location = varLocation }) $
pure <$> fromTypeError (TypeErrorUnusedVariable var varType)
else return []
collectScopeDecls (errs <> unusedErr) recentVars' vars
| otherwise = do
collectScopeDecls errs (decl : recentVars) vars
collectScopeDecls _ recentVars [] = return (toDecl <$> recentVars)
collectScopeDecls errs recentVars [] = do
loc <- asks location
return (toDecl loc <$> recentVars, errs)
toDecl (var, VarInfo{..}) = Decl
toDecl loc (var, VarInfo{..}) = Decl
{ declName = var
, declType = varType
, declValue = varValue
, declIsAssumption = varIsAssumption
, declUsedVars = varDeclaredAssumptions
, declLocation = updatePosition (varOrig >>= fmap fst . Rzk.hasPosition . fromVarIdent) <$> loc -- FIXME
updatePosition Nothing l = l
updatePosition (Just lineNo) l = l { locationLine = Just lineNo }

abstractAssumption :: Eq var => (var, VarInfo var) -> Decl var -> Decl var
abstractAssumption (var, VarInfo{..}) Decl{..} = Decl
Expand All @@ -807,6 +833,7 @@ abstractAssumption (var, VarInfo{..}) Decl{..} = Decl
, declValue = (\body -> lambdaT newDeclType varOrig Nothing (abstract var body)) <$> declValue
, declIsAssumption = declIsAssumption
, declUsedVars = declUsedVars
, declLocation = declLocation
newDeclType = typeFunT varOrig varType Nothing (abstract var declType)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -923,13 +950,13 @@ localDeclsPrepared [] = id
localDeclsPrepared (decl : decls) = localDeclPrepared decl . localDeclsPrepared decls

localDecl :: Decl VarIdent -> TypeCheck VarIdent a -> TypeCheck VarIdent a
localDecl (Decl x ty term isAssumption vars) tc = do
localDecl (Decl x ty term isAssumption vars loc) tc = do
ty' <- whnfT ty
term' <- traverse whnfT term
localDeclPrepared (Decl x ty' term' isAssumption vars) tc
localDeclPrepared (Decl x ty' term' isAssumption vars loc) tc

localDeclPrepared :: Decl VarIdent -> TypeCheck VarIdent a -> TypeCheck VarIdent a
localDeclPrepared (Decl x ty term isAssumption vars) tc = do
localDeclPrepared (Decl x ty term isAssumption vars loc) tc = do
checkTopLevelDuplicate x
local update tc
Expand All @@ -939,6 +966,7 @@ localDeclPrepared (Decl x ty term isAssumption vars) tc = do
, varOrig = Just x
, varIsAssumption = isAssumption
, varDeclaredAssumptions = vars
, varLocation = loc

type TypeCheck var = ReaderT (Context var) (Except (TypeErrorInScopedContext var))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1302,15 +1330,16 @@ switchVariance = local $ \Context{..} -> Context
switch Contravariant = Covariant

enterScopeContext :: Maybe VarIdent -> TermT var -> Context var -> Context (Inc var)
enterScopeContext orig ty =
enterScopeContext orig ty context =
addVarInCurrentScope Z VarInfo
{ varType = S <$> ty
, varValue = Nothing
, varOrig = orig
, varIsAssumption = False
, varDeclaredAssumptions = []
, varLocation = location context
. fmap S
(S <$> context)

enterScope :: Maybe VarIdent -> TermT var -> TypeCheck (Inc var) b -> TypeCheck var b
enterScope orig ty action = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1774,7 +1803,7 @@ nfT tt = performing (ActionNF tt) $ case tt of
[] -> nfT type_
rs'' -> TypeRestrictedT ty <$> nfT type_ <*> pure rs''

checkDefinedVar :: Eq var => var -> TypeCheck var ()
checkDefinedVar :: VarIdent -> TypeCheck VarIdent ()
checkDefinedVar x = asks (lookup x . varInfos) >>= \case
Nothing -> issueTypeError $ TypeErrorUndefined x
Just _ty -> return ()
Expand Down

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