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DevCDR with Azure SignalR Service

Roger Zander edited this page Oct 12, 2019 · 5 revisions

DevCDR can use Azure SignalR Service instead of hosting an own SignalR Hub ( This allows to scale out and increase the max. amount of concurrent devices in DevCDR. azuresignalr

Note: An Azure SignalR Service Unit (Includes 1'000 concurrent connections per unit and 1'000'000 messages per unit/day) costs ~50$/Month. A max of 100 units can be configured.


NEW: Since Version, you can use the "normal" Branch ServerCore21 together with Azure SignalR Service. There is no need to install a special version. Just follow the configuration in Configure

You have to deploy a customized version from Branch ServerCore_AzureSignalR.

Just open: and click on


In the Azure App Service, go to Configuration and update the Azure:SignalR:ConnectionString with your Connection-String for your Azure SignalR Service:


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