Splat a video into a single image by sampling a frame at regular intervals. Useful for seeing the changes over time of an entire video or movie.
Or mosaics:
Original from The Dronalist, used under CC-BY
It also can calculate some stats about the visuals of your video. Colorfulness is a way to quantify how bright and varied the colors in an image are. Contrast does the same for light and dark.
Add them together to get something like "visual 🌶️ factor".
pip install videosplatter
Command line:
$ videosplatter <filename> [--start <start time in seconds>] [--end <end time in seconds>] [--interval <number of seconds between samples]
$ videosplatter city.mp4
Programmatic usage:
from videosplatter import splat
splat.splat(filename, start_time, end_time, interval)