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This is a simple Predicted Niche Occupancy (PNO) calculator that is intended to be comparable to but faster and more flexible than the implementation in R package phyloclim, function pno, for global-scale datasets at high resolution. A PNO is a method of extracting climatic tolerances directly from niche models, expressed in terms of probability of suitability over a series of environmental bins, and is commonly used in ancestral niche reconstruction and other applications.

This script is improved over previous implementations by:

  1. Improved spatial statistic efficiency.
  2. Using .tif rather than .asc for initial processing steps.
  3. Not depending on matching extent between the model and the environmental data -- especially useful where common bins are needed for global extents.

Run like so:

bash path_to_model_folder path_to_environmental_data_folder path_to_extraction_data number_of_bins

Common projections among models and environmental data (but NOT necessarily extents) are assumed. Missing data is assumed to be -9999. PNO results are encoded as a csv matrix with rows as species and columns as left-hand histogram bin boundaries; cells are bin probabilities. A set of sed commands at the end are intended to remove non-species designations in species names (variable names, etc.); edit as needed.

Two modules at the end, and are optional. The former adds point extraction data to an existing PNO file (e.g., for species with too few occurrences to model directly; example input in the folder) and the latter drops columns with low probability for all species (hard coded as <1e-4).

Note that histograms are normalized but can sum to a number slightly different from one at ~15 decimal places due to float precision limitations. A correction step may be needed for applications that require summing to one.

Future speed improvements could include skipping the environmental extent-cropping step and only loading environmental data a single time for the spatial join operation across species.


  1. GDAL library executables in path: gdal_translate, gdalwarp, gdaltindex.
  2. Python libraries numpy, pandas.


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