MariaDBConnector for FPC without driver
This is a small fpc project with a TMariaDBConnector for connecting to a MariaDB server without any driver.
- FPC 2.6.4+ (others untested)
- Synapse 40+
For communication Synapse from Ararat is used. You can download the latest version from (at the top-right is a "Download snapshot"-button. Put it somewhere and in Lazarus you can choose "Package" > "Open package file". Browse to the folder for synapse and choose laz_synapse.lpk. Extra step is to add the ssl_openssl.pas before compiling for HTTPS access. You don't need to install anything. laz_synapse will now be available as package. You also need the openssl DLLs in your project directory (or search-path). libeay32.dll, libssl32.dll and ssleay32.dll.
- Improve the documentation and comments
- Making BINARY Protocol functions
- Making FetchRecords for BINARY Protocol