Implementation of the 3D failure criteria for fiber reinforced composites developed by Catalanotti et al. (2013) in fixed format Fortran 77.
This repository contains implements the three-dimensional failure criteria for fiber reinforced composites developed by Catalanotti et al. [1]. Required in-situ material properties can be calculated using the script. Failure envelopes can be plotted using the script. To call the Fortran scripts from Python you will need to use F2PY.
Alternatively, the subroutines can be used as a part of an Abaqus user subroutine, or called from a standalone Fortran program.
To use the subroutines as a part of an Abaqus simulation your installation must be linked with a Fortran compiler and compatible Visual Studio installation, see:
The following material properties must be defined to plot the failure envelopes:
XT = tensile strength fiber direction (GPa)
XC = compressive strength fiber direction (GPa)
YTis = in-situ tensile strength transverse direction (GPa)
YCis = in-situ compressive strength transverse direction (GPa)
SLis = in-situ longitudinal shear strength (GPa)
ηL = shear friction coefficient longitudinal direction (-)
α0 = failure plane angle pure transverse compression (degrees)
If the in-situ properties are unknown, they can be calculated using the script. This will require the following material properties
β = shear response factor
G12 = shear modulus (MPa)
t = cured ply thickness (mm)
E11 = longitudinal modulus (MPa)
E22 = transverse modulus (MPa)
ν21 = Poisson's ratio 21-direction (-)
GIc = mode I fracture toughness (N/mm)
GIIc = mode II fracture toughness (N/mm)
- catalanotti.f : Catalanotti failure criteria
- : In-situ property calculator
- : Plots failure envelopes according to Catalanotti failure criteria
Rutger Kok
PhD Candidate
email : [email protected]
Institute for Infrastructure and Environment
University of Edinburgh
Thomas Bayes Road, King's Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3FG
United Kingdom
[1] G. Catalanotti, P.P. Camanho, A.T. Marques
Three-dimensional failure criteria for fiber-reinforced laminates
Composite Structures 95 (2013) 63–79