Arduino powered Etch A Sketch with joystick controller and SD card storage. Arduino source included in EtchArtDuino folder. The EtchArtDuinoSimple folder contains a simplified version of the software that just allows you to draw using the joystick that is usefull for younger children.
Sorry, not a lot of build details here. I just built as I went with parts I had on hand in order to play with the steppers. It's one of my first OpenSCAD and Arduino projects so the code is, what it is. Don't judge it too harshly.
The menu system is pretty basic but it allows you to create and save a new drawing and redraw or delete an existing drawing.
Joystick | Menu usage |
Up/Down | Moves cursor |
Left | Back/Cancel |
Right or Press | Select |
Joystick Drawing usage is as you would expect:up, down, left, right. Press the joystick to end the drawing. It will ask if you are done, select yes to save and exit the drawing or select no to continue drawing.
Since the Etch ArtDuino has no way of knowing where the drawing stylus is at the beginning of a drawing, the display will ask you to choose a starting position (upper left or right, lower left or right, or the center) and then ask you to move the stylus there then press the joystick. It will save the starting position as the first byte of the file so it can prompt you to move the stylus to the correct position when redrawing the file.
Drawings are stored on a SD card using the Arduino SD library. You can cheat and create the files on a computer. The files must have an ".eas" extension and be in the root directory.
The file format is:
1st byte is binary and contains the suggested starting position
1: Upper Left
2: Upper Right
3: Lower Left
4: Lower Right
5: Center
The rest of the file is a string of single character
drawing commands
u: move up
d: move down
l: move left
r: move right
An example of a tiny 3x3 box would be:
(binary value of 1,2,3,4 or 5)rrrdddllluuu
Arduino | Connection |
VCC | +5V Supply |
GND | Ground |
D2 | Horiz/Left Stepper IN1 X-axis |
D3 | Horiz/Left Stepper IN2 |
D4 | Horiz/Left Stepper IN3 |
D5 | Horiz/Left Stepper IN4 |
D6 | Vert/Right Stepper IN1 Y-axis |
D7 | Vert/Right Stepper IN2 |
D8 | Vert/Right Stepper IN3 |
D9 | Vert/Right Stepper IN4 |
D10 | SPI SS SD Card |
D11 | SPI MOSI SD Card |
D12 | SPI MISO SD Card |
D13 | SPI SCK SD Card |
A0 | Joystick VX |
A1 | Joystick VY |
A2 | Joystick Button |
Qty | Description |
1 | 3D Printed EtchArtDuino.stl |
1 | 3D Printed gears.stl |
1 | 3D Printed joystick.stl |
1 | Pocket Etch A Sketch |
2 | 28BYJ-48 5V DC 4-Phase 5-Wire + ULN2003 Driver Board (ebay/amazon) |
1 | Catalex microsd card adapter (ebay/electrodragon/amazon) |
1 | Circuit Overlay Board (Part #32999) |
1 | Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz (sparkfun) |
1 | 0.96" I2C 128X64 OLED (ebay/electrodragon/amazon) |
1 | PS2 Joystick Module marked "Keyes_SJoys" (ebay/electrodragon/amazon) |
1 | 5v Power supply and mating connector. |
Miscellaneous | 2mm screws and nuts. |
Miscellaneous | jumper wires |
Parkinbot's Excellent Gear Library
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