This project uses a machine learning model to predict house prices in California based on various features like median income, house age, average rooms, average bedrooms, population, average occupancy, latitude, and longitude.
The California House Price Prediction project utilizes a linear regression model trained on the California housing dataset to predict the prices of houses. This project includes a Flask web application where users can input the required features to get the predicted house price.
##Installation: To run this project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd california-house-price-prediction
python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
To start the Flask web application, run: python
california-house-price-prediction/ │ ├── venv/ # Virtual environment directory ├── templates/ │ └── home.html # HTML file for the web application ├── .gitignore ├── # Flask application ├── california_house_price.ipynb # Jupyter notebook for data analysis and model training ├── LICENSE ├── # Project readme file ├── regmodel.pkl # Serialized trained model ├── requirements.txt # Project dependencies
Predict house prices based on user input features. Simple and user-friendly web interface built with Flask. Model trained on the California housing dataset.