To reproduce the work associated with this project, please follow the steps below in order.
The project was developed under GNU Linux and MacOS and assumes the use of a Unix command line shell. Both Linux and MacOS provide a command line shell by default. One must also install developer tools for the system, at a minimum git, make and a C/C++ compiler. Other needed tools will be installed by the instructions below.
Install and set up Mambaforge or Miniforge3
Mambaforge and Miniforge3 are designed to be small, and the installation will take 1-5 minutes on a typical computer, depending on the internet connection.
Mambaforge and Miniforge3 supply mamba and conda, respectively, both are tools for managing project software dependencies and setting up a reproducible environment in which to run code.
is a re-implementation and drop-in replacement for conda
, written in
C++ and offering much faster performance and more reliable dependency solving.
To obtain the source of the project and create a conda environment
with the tools needed to run the project, execute the following below (if
using Miniforge3 replace mamba
with conda
git clone
cd tcga-microbiome-prediction
mamba env create -f envs/tcga-microbiome-prediction.yml
mamba activate tcga-microbiome-prediction
The time to complete this step is dependent on your internet
connection, but with a typical computer and internet connection takes 1-2
minutes. The newly created conda environment installs several
software packages, listed with their version numbers in
. In particular, it contains:
- python 3.8.10
- GNU R 3.6.3
These packages are only visible within the active conda environment and
mamba activate tcga-microbiome-prediction
only applies to the current command
line shell where it was activated.
The NCI GDC recently reprocessed all of their RNA-seq data using an updated
bioinformatics pipeline and GENCODE gene model version. Before April 2022, all
GDC harmonized TCGA RNA-seq gene quantification data were created with the
HTSeq read count quantification package. The GDC have decided to retire all
previous bioinformatics pipeline HTSeq data from the GDC and unfortunately
removed them such that one cannot query for the data. For this reason, if you
seek to follow the steps to reproduce our work outlined here, you must skip the
Data preprocessing
section steps here below and in their place download the
Zenodo data archive which has these steps completed using the GDC TCGA HTSeq
data. You will then be able to follow the steps in the subsequent sections to
continue to reproduce our results.
Download gene annotation data from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) for GENCODE v22 to match ENSEMBL gene identifiers to official gene symbols.
Rscript get_gtf_ensg_annots.R
Retrieve the microbial abundance data described in Poore et al. Nature 2020 as well as patient clinical data and sample metadata data from the NCI Genomic Data Commons (GDC):
Rscript process_knight_data_gdc_meta.R
Process TCGA survival and drug response phenotypic data:
Rscript process_surv_resp_pdata.R
Download NCI GDC gene expression data. Create microbial abundance, gene expression, and combination datasets in a format appropriate for the ML code (ExpressionSet objects). This step takes ~3GB space:
Rscript create_esets.R
The most significant time in the data preprocessing step is typically
when running the create_esets.R
script. The actual time required will
depend not only on the speed of the internet connection, but on how
busy the NCI GDC servers are. With typical internet connection speeds it
takes ~1 hour.
Create the clinical covariate-only ML models -- models containing age at diagnosis, gender and tumor stage. Create these and save the results:
Building the ML models for this project was done on the NIH Biowulf cluster. We recommend running on a cluster of computers because there are 462 total models and this is a very compute-intensive procedure. The Biowulf cluster uses the Slurm queuing system software, which is a typical scheduling system for compute clusters. We've provided our Slurm scripts, which should be straightforward to port to another job queuing system.
To submit and run all the models on a Slurm cluster and save the results:
You can also run individual models locally and save the results using
. Please note that even running a single model is a
compute-intensive procedure because each "model" is actually comprised of 100
model instances/iterations generated from randomly shuffled train/test data
splits, and each of the 100 model instances undergoes an exhaustive grid search
to tune model hyperparameters and select the best model using cross validation
of randomly shuffled train/validation data splits. So, depending on the data
type, model type, and your available CPU resources, each "model" can take from
a couple hours to days. For example:
./ --model-type cnet --dataset data/tcga_acc_surv_os_kraken_eset.rds
Drug response:
./ --model-type rfe --dataset data/tcga_blca_resp_cisplatin_kraken_eset.rds
The modeling results will be in results/models
Extract and save model scores in formats natural for python and GNU R (pandas and R dataframes):
You can generate a summary of the model results as a TSV file:
To run the statistical analysis:
make -f Makefile.analysis
The output of the analysis will be in results/analysis
. See the
README therein for a description of the output files.
To generate all the figures at once:
make -f Makefile.figures
The figures will be created as subdirectories under the directory figures
Please note that some figure type scripts take ~30 minutes each to complete.
To generate specific figure types, you can run individual scripts, for example, to generate the violin plots:
Rscript generate_violin_plots.R
To generate time-dependent cumulative/dynamic AUC plots:
To generate ROC and PR curve plots:
To generate permutation test histogram plots: