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Releases: ruotianluo/self-critical.pytorch


29 May 23:46
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  1. Faster beam search
  2. support h5 feature file
  3. allow beam search + scst (doesn't work as well though)
  4. Add a few models, BertCapModel and m2transformer (usefulness still question marked)
  5. Add projects.

Official py3 support; MODEL ZOO

10 Jan 19:42
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  1. Since it's 2020, py3 is officially supported. Open an issue if there is still something wrong.
  2. Finally, there is a model zoo which is relatively complete. Feel free to try the provided models.


31 Dec 19:15
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  1. Add structure loss inspired by Classical Structured Prediction Losses for Sequence to Sequence Learning
  2. Add a function of sample n captions. Support methods described in
  3. More pytorchy design of dataloader. Also, the dataloader now don't repeat image features according to seq_per_img. The repeating is now moved to the model forward function.
  4. Add multi-sentence sampling evaluation metrics like mBleu, Self-CIDEr etc. (those described in
  5. Use detectron type of config to setup experiments.
  6. A better self critical objective. (Named as new_self_critical now.)
    Use config ymls that end with nsc to test the performance. A technical report will be out soon.
    Basically, it performs better than original SCST on all metrics (by a small margin), but also faster (by a little bit).

Add flickr30k support

18 Jul 17:15
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Add a few more things

25 Jun 19:04
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1 Refactor the code a little bit.
2 Add BPE (didn’t seem to work much different)
3 Add nucleus sampling, topk and gumbel softmax sampling.
4 Make AttEnsemble compatible with transformer
5 Add remove bad ending from Improving Reinforcement Learning Based Image Captioning with Natural Language Prior

Just add a few things

25 Jun 18:52
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  1. Add loss_wrapper for multi-gpu loss computation
  2. Fix some bugs
  3. Add transformer.

Add new features.

29 Apr 01:33
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  1. Add support for bleu4 optimization or combination of bleu4 and cider
  2. Add bottom-up feature support
  3. Add ensemble during evaluation.
  4. Add multi-gpu support.
  5. Add miscellaneous things. (box features; experimental models etc.)

Self critical model

28 Apr 21:15
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This version can replicate the self-critical sequence training paper.