CiDrawing is a vector graphics library for Android, it provides a custom view and together with a set of tools to manage vector graphics drawing.
- Stroke element (Pen)
- Group element (Group/Ungroup)
- Shape element
- Line
- Arc
- Rectangle
- Square
- Oval
- Circle
- Triangle (Isosceles triangle, Right triangle)
- Photo element
- Text element
- Different drawing type
- Vector mode
- Painting mode
- Basic element transformation
- Move
- Rotate
- Resize
- Skew
- Re-Shape (Reset transformation without change drawing)
- Element selection (Single/Multiple)
- Rectangle select
- Oval select
- Lasso select
- Custom paint (Color, Width, Style, etc)
- Multiple layer support
- Unlimited undo/redo
- Element group/ungroup
- Eraser (Object eraser)
- Path operation
- Union
- Intersect
- Different/Reserved Differernt
- Xor
- Element alignment
- Horizontal (Left, Center, Right)
- Vertical (Top, Middle, Bottom)
- Element flip (based on reference point)
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Element arrangement
- Forward / Backward
- Bring to Front / Send to Back
- Import / Export
Include view in your layout as:
Create drawing board object and set up the view:
CiDrawingView drawingView = (CiDrawingView) findViewById(;
DrawingBoard drawingBoard = DrawingBoardManager.getInstance().createNewBoard();
Please check out the sample project at [CiDrawing Sample] (
Current CiDrawing is still under developing, not yet published. So please compile source code yourself.
CiDrawing is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.