This collection of functions are triggered when events arrive on an Azure Event Hub namespace. Azure Functions can process events in near real time and will forward the data to RunReveal.
Find the appropriate Azure source and create a new one giving it a name. You will be provided with a URL that will be used to forward your events.
These functions are triggered from Event Hub data. Create an Event Hub namespace following the instructions provided by Microsoft.
Following the documentation in RunReveal setup the event source to forward data to an Event Hub namespace. Make note of the hub name, consumer group, and connection string.
Use the 'Deploy to Azure' button about to create the necessary Azure Functions. You will be asked for the Event Hub setup information that was obtained in step 3, and you will need to provide the RunReveal webhook URL obtained in step 1. Once deployed Azure will create the necessary resources to maintain this function. The Azure Functions should start executing as soon as events arrive into the Event Hub namespace.