Inclusive Compression Encryption
Ice Pack
Ice is a small, single file, complete tool for Encrypting, Encoding and Compressing data; for storage or transport.
import the library, or drop the .java file into any project
Uses standard java only, so can be used anywhere, there should be no conflicts (does need javax.crypto.*)
Built to be fast to code and easy to debug, you can be done with one line of code.
Full of features
✅ Encrypt (AES), Compress (Zip & LZ77), Encode (B64) easily with one line of code
✅ PGP - Pretty Good Privacy
✅ Includes a Base64 encoder (courtesy of Google) 🌿
✅ Includes on the fly Zip compression (in memory) 🌿
✅ Full access to tayloring the encryption methods. 🌿
✅ Async callback for deeper long encription routines
1 - Simple use
2 - Result methods
3 - Detailed use
4 - PGP use
5 - Async use
6 - Ice Tray & Cubes (Pooling for Server implementations)
7 - Useful features
Simplest method are not recommend as it uses defaults for Flavour, iv and salt, however depicts well the ease of use.
to encrypt:
Pack encrypted = Ice
.with(new Flavour())
.freeze("Text or bytes[] to encrypt")
and then to decrypt:
Pack decrypted = Ice
.with(new Flavour())
.freeze("Text or bytes[] to decrypt")
reading the Pack:
Pack pack = Ice.with.....
pack.toString(); // return a string version of the data
pack.toBytes(); // returns the bytes
pack.toStringUrlSafe(); // return a string version of the data safe for http url transport
pack.getTime(); // time taken
pack.isSucess(); // did the pack succeed
pack.getMessage(); // if(!isSucess()) then a message will appear here, or null if success
pack.getException(); // if an exception was thrown, can be null, also will be null if success
pack.writeFile(File file); // write the bytes to a file
a more detailed version is in the Flavour:
String iv=Ice.randomIvHex();
String salt=Ice.randomSalt();
// Ice with AES CBC PKCS5, PBKDF2 key, 256 key length, 1000 iterations
// the pack will be:
// Zip compressed, then
// Encrypted, then
// Base64 encoded
Flavour flavour = new Flavour(
// Pick... tasks
// you can combine any tasks in any oder, just do not be silly
// so this, although not efficient is ok:
// Pick.BASE64,Pick.ZIP,Pick.ENCRYPTION,Pick.ZIP,Pick.BASE64
// but this is silly:
// Pick.BASE64, Pick.BASE64, Pick.BASE64, Pick.BASE64, Pick.BASE64
// Keep the order for both encryption (pack()) and decryption (unpack())
// the order will be the same, pack runs left to right, unpack runs from right to left.
Pack encrypted =
.with(flavour) // cipher instance and inParameterSpec is created here
.block("password",salt) // secretKey is created here
.freeze("Text to encrypt, compress and encode") // set the data
.pack(); // encryption, compression and encoding performed
Maker maker =
.with(flavour) // cipher instance and inParameterSpec is created here
.block("password",salt) // secretKey is created here
.freeze("Text to encrypt, compress and encode") // set the data
Pack encrypted =
maker.pack(); // encryption, compression and encoding performed
// we want to send this over http so:
String sendString = encrypted.toStringUrlSafe();
// we want to write the result to a file:
// this is one of the only times you have to worry about catching an exception
boolean didWrite=false;
try {
File f=new File("/tmp/example_file.txt");
didWrite= encrypted.writeFile(f);
} catch(IOException e){}
// we just want to result in byte[] or string form
String str = encrypted.toString();
byte[] bytes = encrypted.toBytes();
// Now to decrypt the data back to it's original format
Pack decrypted =
// so the only change is
// .pack()
// .unpack()
// The Favour is the same, it will auto reverse the 'Task' order when unpacking
// you can access the decrypted data in the same way by accessing the resul Pack.
String strDec = decrypted.toString();
byte[] bytesDec = decrypted.toBytes();
File f = new File("/tmp/example_file.txt");
try {
didWrite = decrypted.writeFile(f);
} catch(IOException e){}
Ice contains a full PGP implementation (RSA,AES), ICE PGP is not currently compatible with OpenPGP or other PGP imp. (future task)
KeyPair keys = null;
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("enc fail on keypair generation");
if(keys!=null) {
Ice.Pop pop = new Ice.Pop(new Ice.Flavour(Ice.Pick.ENCRYPTION), keys.getPublic());
Ice.Maker maker = Ice.with(pop, Ice.Pick.ZIP, Ice.Pick.ENCRYPTION, Ice.Pick.BASE64);
// Ice.publicKeyToString(keys.getPublic());
// use the above to convert the Public key to string
// Ice.stringToPublicKey(publicKeyString);
// use the above to create the Public key from the String
Ice.Pack packed=maker
if(packed.isSuccess()) {
Ice.Pop popServer = new Ice.Pop(new Ice.Flavour(Ice.Pick.ENCRYPTION), keys.getPrivate());
Ice.Maker makerServer = Ice.with(popServer, Ice.Pick.ZIP, Ice.Pick.ENCRYPTION, Ice.Pick.BASE64);
Ice.Pack unpacked=makerServer
if(unpacked.isSuccess() && unpacked.toString().equals(message)) {
System.out.println("Success Ice PGP encryption and decrytion worked");
} else {
System.out.println("dec fail: "+packed.toString());
System.out.println("dec fail: "+packed.getMessage());
if(packed.getException()!=null) {
} else {
System.out.println("enc fail: "+packed.getMessage());
if(packed.getException()!=null) {
to encrypt:
String iv=Ice.randomIvHex();
String salt=Ice.randomSalt();
String password = Ice.randomString(32);
Flavour flavour = new Flavour(
Maker maker = Ice.with(flavour);
maker.freezePack("Encrypt his text with it's own seperate thread using high iterations so it takes a long time"
, password
, salt
, new Ice.CoolPack() {
public void go(Pack pack) {
if(pack.isSuccess()) {
System.out.println("Ice Async test Encrypt success: "+pack.toString());
// now decrypt, usually you would not call this in the Coolpack, but for the test it should be so.
System.out.println("Ice unpack");
, password
, salt
, new Ice.CoolPack() {
public void go(Pack pack) {
if(pack.isSuccess()) {
System.out.println("Ice Async Decrypt test success: "+pack.toString());
} else {
System.out.println("Ice Async Decrypt test failed: "+pack.getMessage());
if(pack.getException()!=null) {
} else {
System.out.println("Ice Async Encrypt test failed: "+pack.getMessage());
if(pack.getException()!=null) {
Ice pooling for Server implementations, for a full test scenario including multiple Trays and maultiple Threads, see IceTest and the called TestTrayRunner
Opening and closing a Tray
String iv=Ice.randomIvHex();
Flavour flavour = new Flavour(
Ice.Maker maker = Ice.with(flavour);
int trayId=1;
try {, maker, 2,true); // This will open up a tray, with a min of 2 Cubes kept in cache and montioring stats
//, maker); // this will open up a Tray with no cache management or stats
} catch (Ice.Tray.InvalidTrayException ex) {
// Tray exists already
// IMPORTANT - on Server shudown always close ALL trays.
Getting an Ice.Cube and using it
// An Ice.Cube requires password and salt, you cannot change the IV, changing the IV will come in the next version.
Ice.Cube cube = Ice.Tray.get(trayId);
String stringToUse = Ice.randomString(5000);
String salt = Ice.randomSalt();
String password = Ice.randomString(20);
Ice.Pack pack = cube.block(password,salt).freeze(stringToUse).pack();
if(pack.isSuccess()) {
System.out.println("Success on encrypt");
Ice.Cube ucube = Ice.Tray.get(trayId);
Ice.Pack unpack=ucube.block(password,salt).freeze(pack.toBytes()).unpack();
if(unpack.isSuccess()) {
if(stringToUse.equals(unpack.toString())) {
System.out.println("Succes on unpack and equals test confirmed correct");
// After you have finished with the Ice.Cube
// ALWAYS release it to put it back into the pool.
// After you have finished with the Ice.Cube
// ALWAYS release it to put it back into the pool.
Ice also comes with direct access to many of the useful features it depends on
Ice.randomIvHex(); // get a secure random hex string
Ice.randomSalt(); // get a secure random salt string
Ice.randomString(20); // get a secure random string useful for password gen
// base 64
String strToEncode = "How to use Base64";
String encoded=Ice.Base64.encodeToString(Ice.stringToBytes(strToEncode), Ice.Base64.DEFAULT);
String decoded=Ice.bytesToString(Ice.Base64.decode(Ice.stringToBytes(encoded), Ice.Base64.DEFAULT));
// compression
byte[] zip = Ice.stringToBytes("How to use zip compression");
try {
byte[] zippedBytes=Ice.Zip.zipBytes(zip,"filname.txt");
// If you want to write the data to disk
//File f = new File("");
//Ice.writeBytes(f, zipped);
byte[] unzipped=Ice.Zip.unzipBytes(zippedBytes,"filename.txt");
} catch (IOException ex) {
// String compression
byte[] compressedString = LZ77.pack(Ice.stringToBytes("This version works directly with byte[]"));
byte[] decomressedString = LZ77.unpack(compressedString);
v1.1.104 - Replace Hex IV String decoder for more lighweight version, bug fix on salt encoding to byte[]
v1.1.103 - Changed default AES to GCM No Padding for Android compatability
v1.1.101 - Ice.Tray pooling finalised
v1.1.100 - Ice.Tray pooling implemented - Server side implementations
v1.1.024 - Defaults now set to the security versions AES-GCM, SHA256, Test class expanded.
v1.1.023 - Small tweaks and opened up RSA key size choice (1024,2048,4096)
v1.1.022 - Added documentation and comments for developers ease
v1.1.021 - First open release