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(RDF) Show information about a Node in an RDF file

Jose Emilio Labra Gayo edited this page Aug 14, 2024 · 4 revisions

(RDF) Show information about a Node in an RDF file

It is possible to obtain information about a node in an RDF graph.

Given the following file in examples/user.shex:

prefix : <>
prefix xsd: <>

:a :name "Alice" ;
   :birthdate "1990-05-02"^^xsd:date ;
   :enrolledIn :cs101 .

:b :name "Bob", "Robert" .

:cs101 :name "Computer Science" .   

If we want to obtain information about the node :a, we can run the following command:

rudof node -n :a examples/simple.ttl 

And the result will be:

Information about node
Outgoing arcs
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