A slightly tweaked VS Code port of the wonderful nvim
color scheme called Melange created by savq 🧡.
- Get it from the VS Marketplace
- or using the extension ID:
Please note: This behavior has been tested on macOS only.
After installing Melange: Redux, add the lines below to your user settings JSON, that will automatically switch between light/dark modes. This depends on having Light/Dark Appearance configured to Auto in macOS's System Settings. Things will look even better if you setup the recommended file icon theme, as described in the next section.
"window.autoDetectColorScheme": true,
"workbench.preferredLightColorTheme": "Melange Redux: Light"
"workbench.preferredLightColorTheme": "Melange Redux: Dark"
I found that a good icon theme pairing for Melange Redux is the JetBrains Icon Theme by Chad Adams (id: chadalen.vscode-jetbrains-icon-theme
After installing the file icon theme, make sure to add the following line to your user settings JSON, that will automatically switch to light/dark versions of itself based off the theme you're using:
"workbench.iconTheme": "vscode-jetbrains-icon-theme-2023-auto",
The typeface used in the screenshots is IBM Plex.
This project is using an MIT license.