- Create a standalone implementation of current FizzyNewt prototype (www.fizzynewt.com) that does not depend on Office 365.
- Monetise at £1.99 per student. Capped at £10k per institution.
- 5,000 student users after year 1
- 20,000 users after year 3
- 100,000 users after year 5
- Free for up to 100 students.
- Otherwise free for 6 weeks trial.
- Then functionality subject to received payment.
- Annual invoice.
- Invoice according to code suffix (e.g. "LIFE") or institutional, capped at £10k pa.
- OAuth login system w/ email authentication.
- Users identify institution when signingup. Institution list required. What if institution not in list?
- Default user - Student
- Staff do not NEED to register, i.e. can generate codes for a given institution and class.
- Staff DO NEED to register if they wish to monitor their class attendance. Admin enabled.
- Database backup (daily)
- Re-label class identifier (E.g. LF113 to LIFE113) for FN code. Apply to all registrations with code optional?
- Auto/Manual email generation to warn of low attendance. Set threshold (e.g. < 50% attendance). Set frequency.
- Allow admin to nominate other staff (via email) to be admin.
- Allow admin to nominate but restrict functionality.
- 6 months validation of admin via email confirmation.
- Update student record. Update name, email and ID.
- Create student report by data (default 1 month)
- Create student report by course.
- Create student report by multiple courses (or via course suffix, e.g. "LIFE")
- Global announcement popup - after every student submits code - specify start/finish.
- Downloadable .csv reports
- Add student attendance retroscpectively using student email, data, course identifier/FN code
- Create weekly (or custom) repeat session code list.
- Search and submit fizzy newt code for institution.
- Notify absence for single class.
- Notify of extended absense.
- Submit class feedback (anonymously)
- Remove themselves from course.
- Create personal attendance report (filter by module).
- Downloadable .csv reports.
- Generate FN class code for an institution. Class identifier, start time, expirty, permit feedback, additional message.
- Additional message pops up when students submit their attendance via FN code
- Review class feedback.
- Create weekly (or custom) repeat session code list.