This application was created to allow users to stay more organized when building projects, planning chores, and many more.
Link To Project:
Email: [email protected]
Password: demotest
After starting this project, I began to learn more about TypeScript. If I was to go back and start this project again, I would definetly use TypeScript to improve the developer experience and to make the application more type safe and less prone to errors. I would also work on making the GraphQL resolvers a bit more modular, for ease of exploration when making changes.
As I was planning new features and trying to allow users to work together on projects, I realized that I initially designed the database models in a non-optimal way. When going back and adding these features, it was a lot more work than it should've been if I planned for the future when creating the database schema. I learned that I should always look ahead when designing my back end so I, and possibly other engineers, have a more simple job when implementing new ideas.