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rmarkdown 2.9

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@yihui yihui released this 15 Jun 14:53
  • Fix a regression in version 2.8 when a url is used in css argument (thanks, @vnijs, #2163).

  • All HTML dependencies are now correctly supported, included those with only an href component but not file component in their src attribute. Previously, rmarkdown would throw the error 'path for html_dependency not provided' when rendering documents containing HTML dependencies with href components (thanks, @crazycapivara, @matthewstrasiotto, #1805, #1948, #2151).

  • Fix an error thrown with output format using a file_scope function (like in bookdown) (thanks, @rfaelens, #2149).

  • Fix an issue with copy_ressource = TRUE in html_document_base where very long HTML documents were truncated during post processing (thanks, @oliviermeslin, #2145).

  • When run()-ing a runtime: shiny document, an extra temp folder will be used in the output path. With the extra temp random folder in the path, predictable output file names may be used. (#2137)

  • When run()-ing a runtime: shiny document with a {bslib} theme, the global theme value wasn't being restored properly. (#2160)

  • Floating ToC in html_document can now hide headings with unnumbered and unlisted classes (thanks, @atusy, #1993).

  • Fix prefix handling in R Markdown website's navbar for Fontawesome V5 and compatibility with V4. For icon only available in V5, the full prefix + name should be use, especially with new fab prefix (e.g. fab fa-r-project). If no prefix is used (e.g fa-home instead of fas fa-home), the fa prefix will be added for V4 compatibility as it has been deprecated in V5. We advice to use the full prefix + name for icons following Fontawesome documentation. (#1994)

  • rmarkdown::site_generator() can hang session waiting for input when the site field is not found in the YAML frontmatter of index.Rmd (thanks, @kevinushey @mirh, #2043).