Welcome to the country of [INSERT NAME HERE].
As members of the revolutionary committee, you will guide the nation to a prosperous future, and not at all ruin the nation with contradictory amendments in your own selfish interests. To do this you will propose amendments to the constitution and other documents.
Very recently, the revolution succeeded and you were catapulted into power. Unfortunately, most of the documents were destroyed during the chaos. Nevertheless, this committee will steer the new country of [INSERT NAME HERE].
- This document is not able to be modified via pull requests.
- This document is subject to change at any time.
- Failing to adhere to the laws will invoke the full punishment of the law...when it's instituted, anyway.
- My arbitration on an issue is final. If something doesn't go the way you thought it would, there's a reason for it.
- While public conversation and debate should go on issues here on github, there is no rules for or against external communication.
- Each player will be given secret objectives with a point value. These objectives are either fulfilled or not fulfilled, and are not scored until game is over. Unless revealed by the player, a player's secret objectives can not be forcefully revealed.
- Pop: 1,162,770
- Main Religion: Ophirianity
- Main Export: Caj
- Main Import: Maki
- GDP per Capita: 781 Marquers/year
- Pop: 1,890,190
- Main Religion: Ophirianity
- Main Export: Maki
- Main Import: Uthyr
- GDP per Capita: 593 Marquers/year
- Pop: 1,816,920
- Main Religion: Traversinianity
- Main Export: Caj
- Main Import: Uthyr
- GDP per Capita: 693 Marquers/year
- Pop: 1,701,480
- Main Religion: Traversinianity
- Main Export: Uthyr
- Main Import: Maki
- GDP per Capita: 740 Marquers/year
- Pop: 1,410,830
- Main Religion: Traversinianity
- Main Export: Maki
- Main Import: Caj
- GDP per Capita: 849 Marquers/year
- Pop: 1,791,010
- Main Religion: Ophirianity
- Main Export: Uthyr
- Main Import: Caj
- GDP per Capita: 755 Marquers/year