What's new in 1.3.0
What's new in 1.3.0-rc1
Sequence.Random methods
Code cleanup and fixes
What's new in 1.3.0-beta5
New package icon
Fix CompareBuilder bugs and performance
ToXxx/XxxInvariant parse methods for common primitives
Ranges performance improved
OwnedCollection class
InfoOf.Constructor overloads
EnumerableExtensions.MinOrDefault/MaxOrDefault methods
Memory.CompareInline method
ReflectionExtensions IsDebugAssembly and GetShortAssemblyQualifiedName methods
Code cleanup and fixes
What's new in 1.3.0-beta4
CompositeRangeExtensions.GetIntersection/GetIntersections methods (helpers for searching for intersection ranges)
Ranges: NaN values support
Code.InRange assertion
Breaking change! Part of functionality moved to separate assembly and package CodeJam.Blocks.
StringExtensions.ToDecimal method added
Code cleanup
What's new in 1.3.0-beta3
Helpers for metadata attributes
Ranges improvements
HashCode class performance optimization
ReflectionEnumHelper.GetFields method added
EnumerableExtension.CombinedWithPrevious/Next methods added
CompositeRangeExtensions.ToCompositeRangeFrom/To methods added
Composite ranges Trim/Extend methods added
Breaking change! ObjectPool and SharedPool classes removed
Code cleanup
What's new in 1.3.0-beta2
Memoize overloads with LazyThreadSafetyMode
EnumerableExtensions.GroupWhile methods
Code cleanup
What's new in 1.3.0-beta1
OneOf<> and ValueOneOf<> types for tagged (discriminated, joint) unions
Code cleanup
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